



My dream is to become a famous author one day. I try to reach this goal by posting short stories and such on my Flipnote Hatena account on the DSi. Unfortunately, people don't read them. hey disregard them like they are just garbage. Which they are not. I believe I am a pretty gifted writer, and at such a young age. My favorite author is Shirley Jackson, and I've dissected her most famous piece (in my opinion), The Lottery. My most recent piece is called The Red Beach, and it is not like any other. It is very in-depth and I am afraid a lot of people are just too ignorant to take the time and read it. If they just got to the middle of it, even before that actually, they would really like it. I'm trying to get more people to read it. I really want some feedback because I might put this piece in a book I plan on publishing in the near future. It really hurts to see that 20+ people have just clicked on it but didn't take the time to actually read it. They probably just went to the next video of something random and dumb because it had a pretty picture. It hurts me so deeply that my generation is too ignorant too understand what true art is. Literature, in my opinion, is the most profound and beautiful. But nobody seems to care. If all you want is an animation, I can't provide that. Sorry, I'm not good with animations. I feel like I am being redundant, and I don't even know why I'm writing all this in the About Me section, but with any luck, someone will read it. Hopefully someone who is NOT ignorant. If you are interested, please check out my recent piece, The Red Beach. I promise it will be worth your time and I will return the favor by viewing and commenting/adding stars to your flipnotes. Thank you, if you have read this far and are still interested. You are truly one in a million. Sincerely, Waffle. -Stay Golden