Thê ßlôôdÿ Phôêñîx

Thê ßlôôdÿ Phôêñîx's Profile

Stay fluffy~

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Hatena ID
Thê ßlôôdÿ Phôêñîx

Stay fluffy~

Self introduction

▄█▄█▄ Lâšt Ûpdâtêd: 1-24-16. ▄█▄█▄

I'm not dead here, just really inactive.

▄▄▄▄█ Fôrmâl Iñtrôdûçtîôñ █▄▄▄▄

Hêllô, Hâtêñâ! こんにちはと歓迎 !

Âllôw mê tô îñtrôdûçê mÿšêlf.

I âm ~Phôenîx~, âñd I âm ôñê ôf Rêstôrîñg Hâtêñâ's Môst Dêdîcâtêd mêmbêrs (âñd hâvê êvêñ bêêñ tôld by thêîr lêâdêr thât I'vê dôñê môrê thâñ êvêry êlsê çômbîñêd thêrê.) âs wêll âs ôñê ôf Amêrîcâñ Flîpñôtê Hâtêñâ's ôldêst mêmbêrs.

▄███▄ New Hatena Goals ▄███▄

4 Silver Citizenships ~ Complete! ♥

5,000 Fans ~ Complete! ♥

5,000,000 Gold Stars ~ Complete! ♥

1,500 Green Stars ~ Complete! ♥

200 Red Stars ~ Complete! ♥

25 Blue Stars ~ Complete! ♥

5 Purple Stars ~ Complete! ♥

75,000 Comments ~ Complete! ♥

1,500,000 Views ~ Complete! ♥

▄███▄ Hatena Goals ▄███▄

Be Ranked #1 ~ Complete! ♥

Silver Citizenship ~ Complete! x 4

2,500 Fans ~ Complete! x 3

1,000,000 Gold Stars ~ Complete! x 6

1,000 Green Stars ~ Complete! x 2

50 Red Stars ~ Complete! x 4

10 Blue Stars ~ Complete! x 2

1 Purple Star ~ Complete! x 4

50,000 Comments ~ Complete! ♥

1,000,000 Views ~ Complete! ♥


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▄█▄█▄█▄█▄ My Stôry ▄█▄█▄█▄█▄

My pâst îs âlmôst â cômplêtê blûr. I ôñcê hâd â hûmâñ fôrm, bût thât wâs mâñy mîllêñîâ âgô âñd I câññôt rêmêmbêr ît ât âll. I wâs rê-bôrñ by Fîrê âñd gîvêñ thê ñâmê "Blôôdy Phôêñîx" dûê tô my âñcêstôrs' vîôlêñt pâsts.

I was gîven the pôwer ôf Fîre, but was tôld I côuld learn to côntrôl any element, even Tîme îtself. I was unlîke the ôthers I grew up wîth. They côuld ônly côntrôl ône element for theîr lîfe, but I côuld ône day manîpulate them all.

Much of the rest of my chîldhôôd and pre-Phôenîx lîfe îs unknôwn tô me. The Phôenîx Allîance gave me the ôath tô prôtect thôse whôm I lôved and tô restôre lîfe tô any pure-hearted beîng. Wîth thîs ôath, they blessed me wîth the abîlîty tô revîve any fallen creature, Ressurrectîôn.

I ônce rôamed the Earth searchîng fôr a purpôse as well as the ôther Phôenîxes to teach me theîr Elements. I ônce had settled dôwn at the LOFF, but have môved ôn nôw. During that tîme, I have actually dîscôvered the Phôenîx of Lîght and the Terra Phôenîx, bôth ôf whîch taught me theîr Element, but dîd nôt reveal theîr true name....I later learned ôf the name ôf the Fîre Phoenîx--Fîegra--but nôt where she îs în the wôrld.

A whîle back, I was able tô travel tô the future wîth ône ôf my frîends, Kage. Whîle there, I gôt tô learn my true pôwer ôf the 3 Elements I knew hôw tô côntrôl. I alsô learned that I sômehow gaîned côntrôl ôver Tîme îtself and am wônderîng where ôr îf there's a Phôenîx tô teach me that...

My true îdentîty remaîns unknôwn...




Additiônal Prôfile infôrmatiôn can be fôund here (Côpy + Paste it):

And this would be my Hatena Fotofile:




█▄▄█ Fâvôûrîtê Châtrôôm qûôtês █▄▄█


Eevee: I'm wearing no pants.

Nine: That's good to know, Eevee.


Eevee: I've never kîssed a guy before.

Me: "A guy?" Does that mean...

Eevee: Eww! No! > <


Me: Nîne, îs that a one- or two-pîece? o o"

Nine: Both.

Me: How is that possîble? o_o"

Nine: *Evîl look* Wanna go and fînd out?


Eevee: Where do babys come from?

Omg man: YOU!

Eevee: No, Wal-Mart.


(Glaceon)Flare: *Hîgh-pitched voice* Stop rubbîng me! x_x I hate you + thîs voîce!

Me: Thîs îs better than I întended!

(Glaceon)Flare: Ow! Stop ît!

Glace / Me: ROFL! xD


Me: Nîne, do you wanna do ît standîng or on your back?

Nine: Mah back *falls down*

Beat: Don't rub her too fast. Take ît slow (long pause) or you'll mess up her fur.


Eevee: Well, Pheonîx, would you rather have me come în nâked?


Kage: So glad I got boxers.

Eevee: -Lol face- -reaches for boxers-

Kage: Eevee! You're perv!

Eevee: -Grabs boxers- Maaaybeee xD I feel perv 2day.

My reactîon: (Is thîs even Eevee? xD)


Omg man: It's hard to not be a furvert when you have Nîne as a sîster.


King: Imma better male strîpper than you.


Sofiz: So I'm in my living room and its all dark and stuff... and he's standing next to the fireplace just staring into nothing.

So I think... "ok, hes massively tall, and very squishy looking. odd, but huggabble! :3" So I go and hug Glen(yeah random but its a dream) and he just keeps standing there, doing nothing. I wonder why his skin's purple, then blood trickles rtom his mouth, and then starts soaking through his skin, and every time you squish the squishiness it just sloshes more purpley red blood until I'm faced with a blood soaked brain dead Glen whos still standing, and I just start crying and I wake up scared and disorientated. *phew*

Me: I want epic dreams like that! >n<




▄█▄█▄ Wôrd ôf thê Wêêk ▄█▄█▄

█ 3-8-10 ~ 3-14-10 █

Muu muu (Moo-moo)

A type of strapless dress.

< My daughter attended the wedding in a lovely white muu muu. >

█ 3-15-10 ~ 3-21-10 █

Ecchymosis (Ehk-ih-moe-sis)

Movement of blood from a ruptered artery to subcutaneous tissue, turning the skin purple.

< Because of ecchymosis, the bruise was quickly formed where he was injured. >

█ 3-22-10 ~ 3-28-10 █

Paroxysm (Puh-ruk-sizm)

A sudden outburst of action or emotion.

< Paroxysm erupted in the room when the governer decalred he was raising taxes. >

█ 3-29-10 ~ 4-4-10 █

Epexegesis (Eh-pek-suh-jee-sis)

Additional explanation or explanitory material.

< The dictionary is the perfect example of epexegesis--you learn more than you wanted to. >

█ 4-5-10 ~ 4-11-10 █

Muzzy (Muh-zee)

Mentally confused; indistinct, blurred. (Also, a children's language-teaching program. xD)

< Because he recently had his tonsils removed, his voice was muzzy and hard to hear. >

█ 4-12-10 ~ 4-18-10 █

Chi chi (Shee-shee)

Ostentatiously (dressed to show off) stylish.

< Some people dress in a chi chi manner just to be the center of attention, it seems. >

█ 4-19-10 ~ 4-25-10 █

Restive (Reh-stihv)

Hard to control, unruly; restless or nervous.

< The restive goat refused to follow the farmer and tried to ram him with his head. >

█ 4-26-10 ~ 5-2-10 █

Maxi (Mack-see)

An ankle- or floor-length garment, as a skirt or coat. (ShinyEeevee's human avatar wears clothing as this.)

< Her maxi was one of the most elegant dresses I have ever seen! >

█ 5-3-10 ~ 5-9-10 █

Zephyr (Zeh-phur)

A west wind; Gentle breeze; A light, soft fabric, yarn or garment; Something airy, insubstantial, or transitory.

< The zephyrs blowing today felt good after working in the sun all day. >

█ 5-10-10 ~ 5-16-10 █

Languor (Lan-gerr)

Lack of physical or mental energy; A dreamy idolent mood or quality; Oppresive quiet or stillness.

< All of the students seemed to possess a trait of languor as the teacher debated over politics for 90 minutes. >

█ 5-17-10 ~ 5-23-10 █

Qualm (Kwahm)

A sudden feeling of faintness or nausea; A sensation of doubt or uneasiness; A pang on conscience.

< At the sight of blôôd, a qualm overtook her and she nearly fainted in the hospital. >

█ 5-24-10 ~ 5-30-10 █

Harum-scarum (Har-uhm-scar-uhm)

Lacking a sense of responsibility; Reckless.

< His harum-scarum was truly proven when he wrecked his motorcycle and was badly injured all because he was showing off. >

█ 5-31-10 ~ 6-6-10 █

Morass (Moe-rahs)

An area on low-lying land that sinks underfoot (or paw).

< As we approached the swamp, the ground started becoming softer and turned more into morass than solid land. >

█ 6-7-10 ~ 6-12-10 █

Intractable (Ihn-track-tuh-bul)

Not tractable; Not easily governed, managed, or directed;

Not able to be taught, disciplined, or tamed; Violent.

< Many criminals are intractable and refuse to be changed. >

█ 6-13-10 ~ 6-20-10 █

Lo'i (Low-ee)

Small pondfields in Hawaii in which Taro is grown and harvested.

< If you ever visit Hawaii, be sure to look for Lo'is because you're reading this. -wo >

█ 6-21-10 ~ 6-27-10 █

Cohort (Coe-horet)

A number of things or events standing or succeeding in order, and connected by a like relation; Sequence; A succession of things; A continuous series of calamitous events.

< The cohorts that have hâppênêd today make me wonder what tragedy is coming next. >

█ 6-28-10 ~ 7-4-10 █

Conjurer (Cohn-jer-er)

One bound by a common oath with others; Someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience; A witch doctor who practices conjury.

< When we were in a small native village, we met a conjurer who showed us their practice of summoning spirits. >

█ 7-5-10 ~ 7-11-10 █

Out-and-out (Owt-and-owt)

Without any reservation or disguise; Downright; Plain;

Unqualified; Absolute; As, an out and out villain.

< The thief was very out-and-out; he had no mask and left a good deal of evidence behind. >

█ 7-12-10 ~ 7-18-10 █

Burg (Berg)

A fortified town; Colloquial American term for a town.

< Some Medieval burgs where poeple of the old used to live can still be found in the world today. >

█ 7-19-10 ~ 7-25-10 █

Clinker (Klin-kur)

The solid material produced by the cement kiln stage that has sintered into lumps or nodules, typically of diameter 3-25 mm.

< Before the road could be repaved, the clinker had to be created and added in. >

█ 7-26-10 ~ 8-1-10 █

Shutout (Shuht-owt)

A defeat in a game where one side fails to score.

< The baseball game was a total shutout. Our team lost 0-8. >

█ 8-2-10 ~ 8-8-10 █

Suss (Suhs)

To inspect or investigate so as to gain more knowledge.

< Some people suss books for countless hours to gain more knnowledge and understanding of the world. >

█ 8-9-10 ~ 8-15-10 █

Bezel (Beh-zuhl)

The rim which encompasses and fastens a jewel, watch crystal, lens or other object.

< The bezel on the medallion shimmered beautifully in the sunlight. >

█ 8-16-10 ~ 8-22-10 █

Blast beat (Blast-beet)

A very rapid succession of notes on a drum track, normally found in deâth metal songs.

< The crowd went crazy when the drummer performed his high-speed blast beats for his solo. >

█ 8-23-10 ~ 8-29-10 █

Anhk (Ank)

An ancient Egyptian symbol resembling that stands for eternal life, generally seen in the hands of a pharaoh.

< As we walked through the pyramid, we could see many pictures of pharaohs carrying anhks in each hand. >

█ 8-30-10 ~ 9-5-10 █

LASER (Lay-zur)

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

(A commonly known word, but few know what it stands for.)

< Ima firin' mah LASER! >

█ 9-6-10 ~ 9-12-10 █

Jardinière (Jzare-dih-nyae)

A large pot, urn, or stand which plants can be placed in; A dish that is served with a mix of spring vegatbales.

< The chef prepared the most wonderful jardinière I have ever tasted! >

█ 9-13-10 ~ 9-19-10 █

Hodgepodge (Hohjh-pohjh)

A jumbled mixture; A thick soup or stew made from meat and vegetables.

< I was unable to locate my wrench while digging through the hodgepodge of tools in my toolbox. >

█ 9-20-10 ~ 9-26-10 █

Snafu (Sna-foo)

A bad situation, mistake, or cause of trouble.

Situation Normal: All Fouled Up.

("Fouled" also can be the explitive.)

< I was truly in a snafu today; I had three tests to take that I never studied for and a history project due! >

█ 9-27-10 ~ 10-3-10 █

Culet (Kyoo-leht; kul-eht)

A flat face on the bottom of a gemstone to protect it from splitting; A piece of plate armour consisting of small, horizontal lamés that protect the small of the back.

< Thanks to the knight's culet, his back was protected by the arrow that had struck him there.>

█ 10-4-10 ~ 10-10-10 █

Lubber (Luh-bur)

An awkward person; An inexperienced sailor.

< "Aye, ye land lubbers aren't fit for me ship!" the angry captain screamed. >

█ 10-11-10 ~ 10-17-10 █

Yenta (Yehn-tuh)

A prying, gossipy woman.

< She was a true yenta: she had to know everything and everyone. >

█ 10-18-10 ~ 10-24-10 █

Furor (Fyoor-err)

Vîôlent anger; Intense excitement or ecstacy; An angry public reaction.

< He was in a state of total furor when he learned that he had hit the lottery. - The furor grew even stronger when the crowd learned they were receive pay cuts. >

█ 10-25-10 ~ 10-31-10 █

Gimcrack (Jihm-crack)

A flashy or showy object of little or no value; Appealing to sight, but cheaply made.

< When visiting a flea market, beware of all the gimcracks people try to sell you. They may look good, but they are worthless. >

█ 11-1-10 ~ 11-7-10 █

Palooka (Puh-loo-kuh)

A person with a weak physical condition or intelligence; an easily beaten athlete, especially a boxer.

< He had his luck tonight. He knew the boxing match was his because his opponent was a palooka and could be felled easily. >

█ 11-8-10 ~ 11-14-10 █

Traduce (Truh-doose)

To expose shame or blame by speaking falsely of misrepresentation; Vîôlâtê, bêtrây.

< His reputation was ruined when someone started traducing him and all others believed him. >

█ 11-15-10 ~ 11-21-10 █

Eldritch (Ehl-drihch)

Weird or otherworldy.

< Many people view aliens as very eldricth beings, whereas some may look very similar to life here on Earth. >

█ 11-22-10 ~ 11-28-10 █

Halcyon (Hal-see-on)

A time of peace; A mythological bird said to calm the seas during the winter solstice; Hatena's supposed worst enemy.

< Halcyon does not scare me. -w- >

█ 11-29-10 ~ 12-5-10 █

Muff (Muhf)

A soft cover of cylindrical form, usually of fur, worn by women to shield the hands from cold; A stupîd fellow; A poor-spirited person; A failure to hold a ball when once in the hands.

< The muffs on her hands kept her warm when she was outside last winter. >

█ 12-6-10 ~ 12-12-10 █

Dragée (Draw-zhay)

Chocolate-coated almonds; A small, silver ball used to decorate cakes, cookies, and other pastries.

< The dragées on the cake make it look splendid! >

█ 12-13-10 ~ 12-19-10 █

Ululate (Uh-yoo-late)

To scream, holler, or cry loudly.

< The monkey ululated very loudly as we walked past its cage. >

█ 12-20-10 ~ 12-26-10 █

Trawl (Trawhl)

To search for something through a large amount of information or many possibilities.

< We trawled through the library for hours looking for a specific book. >

█ 12-27-10 ~ 1-2-11 █

Incommensurate (In-cuh-men-suh-rut)

Not corresponding in size or degree or extent.

< He was shcoked when he received an incommensurate reward for all the hard work he had done. >

█ 1-3-10 ~ 1-9-11 █

Umbra (Uhm-bruh)

Of a dark colour; Shadowy.

< You may prefer your bright, festive colours, but I prefer more umbra ones. >

█ 1-10-10 ~ 1-16-11 █

Quotidian (Kwoh-tih-dee-uhn)

Everyday, ordinary; Occurring daily, as paroxysms of some fevers.

< The constant irritances she faced every day became quotidian to her. >

█ 1-17-10 ~ 1-23-11 █

Fallacy (Fall-uh-see)

A false notion; A statement based on a false or invalid reference; Being deceptive.

< The child's fallacy was found when it was discovered he was lying. >

█ 1-24-10 ~ 1-30-11 █

Irised (Ih-rized?)

Coloured like a rainbow.

█ 1-31-10 ~ 2-6-11 █

Ephemeral (Ih-feh-muh-rul)

Lasting or living for a short amount of time.

< Our existance is considered ephemeral in comparison to the Almighty God. >

█ 2-7-10 ~ 2-13-11 █

Tyro (Tie-row)

A beginner, novice; One with little or no skill.

< He was a tyro when he first joined the team, but now he's a pro! >

█ 2-14-10 ~ 2-20-11 █

Charisma (Kuh-rizz-muh)

An outstanding quality in a person that gives him influence and authority over others.

< Our leader had such great charisma that we all followed his every word without hesitation. >

█ 2-21-10 ~ 2-27-11 █

Clabber (Klah-bur)

Sour, curdled milk.

< WTFail? I don't wanna use "Clabber" in a sentence! >

█ 2-28-10 ~ 3-6-11 █

Fress (Frehs)

To eat often and in large amounts; Gourmandize.

< Whals are known to fress when feeding, taking in hundreds of thousands of plankton in one bite. >

█ 3-7-10 ~ 3-13-11 █

Sump (Suhmp)

A pit, well, or other reservoir for collecting liquid.

< Our sump we dug was filled to the brim after last night's rain. >

█ 3-14-10 ~ 3-20-11 █

Compendium (Com-pen-dee-um)

A short, detailed summary.

< A compendium is a good thing to put on as a heading for your notes. >

█ 3-21-10 ~ 3-27-11 █

Defunct (Dih-fuhnkt)

No longer working or in existance; Dêâd.

< The old machinery in the factory was defunct and unable to function any more. >

█ 3-28-10 ~ 4-3-11 █

Niflheim (Nif-ul-hame)

Norse: The world of the dêâd.

< Sometimes I think everyone's brain but mine exist in Niflheim.... >

█ 4-4-10 ~ 4-10-11 █

Vesuvian (Veh-soo-vee-ehn)

A match used in lighting cigars; Characterized by often vîôlêñt flare-ups or outbursts.

< I am a very vesuvian person.... >

█ 4-11-10 ~ 4-17-11 █

Foozle (Foo-zull)

To spoil by clumsiness; Bungle.

< Well, he foozled the game and made us lose all because he didn't have his glove on properly. >

█ 4-18-10 ~ 4-24-11 █

Winsom (Win-sum)

Actractive in an engaging way; Charming.

< His winsom attitude had her liking him in an instant. >

█ 4-25-10 ~ 5-1-11 █

Schlepp (Shleph)

To drag about especially unnecessarily or burdensomely.

< Because she just "Had to have" all kinds of things we deemed unneeded, and she was so lazy, we had to schlepp all of her things while we hiked. >

█ 5-2-10 ~ 5-8-11 █

Erg (Errg)

A unit for measuring power; Any large expanse of sand, as a desert.

< Bear Grylles sure has crossed enough ergs in his life, eh? >

█ 5-9-10 ~ 5-15-11 █

Moxie (Mock-see)

Nerve; Virgorous assertiveness.

< We were astounded by the moxie the new employee showed when he stood up to our boss. >

█ 5-16-10 ~ 5-22-11 █

Pejoration (Peh-juhr-a-shun)

A worsening; A lowering of worth; Depreciation.

< The American dollar is the perfect example of pejoration: It gets more useless every day. >

█ 5-23-10 ~ 5-30-11 █

Irenic (Eye-ree-nik)

Pacific; Promoting peace.

< He is a very irenic guy--he never gets into fight with anyone at all. >

█ 5-31-11 ~ 6-6-11 █

Euphoria (You-fore-ee-uh)

An intense state of transcendent happiness combined with an overwhelming sense of contentment.

< Wheatley never got his euphoria after he took over Aperture. o-o >

█ 6-7-11 ~ 6-13-11 █

Symbiosis (Sihm-bye-O-sis)

Two organisms living and benefitting off of one another.

< The clownfish and sea anemone are a good example of symbiosis...Google it. >

█ 6-14-11 ~ 6-20-11 █

Fjord (Fyored)

A long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created in a valley carved by glacial activity.

< As we continued down the river, we began to enter a fjord as the walls of the cliffs grew higher around us. >

█ 6-21-11 ~ 6-27-11 █

Suppliant (Suh-pleye-ant)

A humble petitioner; One who entreats submissively.

< I am but a humble suppliant begging thee for forgiveness. >

█ 6-28-11 ~ 7-4-11 █

Hamstrung (Ham-struhng)

To lame or disable by cutting the tendons of the ham or knee; To cripple or incapacitate.

< Yeah...I don't want to make an example sentence of this. ._." >

█ 7-5-11 ~ 7-11-11 █

Telekinesis (Tell-eh-kih-knee-sis)

The ability to move objects by means of thought alone, without physical means.

< Some claim they have the ability of telekinesis and can do think by sitting there...thinking! >

█ 7-12-11 ~ 7-18-11 █

Obfuscate (Ob-foo-skate)

To darken, obscure, or becloud.

< The oil spilled into the ocean, the water became more and more obfuscated by the grime. >

■▄█Flags I have obtained█▄■

Fêêl frêê tô usê thîs tô spîff ûp yôûr Prôfîlê! -wo

Yôu wîll hâve tô rêmôvê thê hêârts, hôwêvêr, tô kêêp trâck ôf yôûr ôwn.

♥1. Afghanistan

2. Albania

♥3. Algeria

4. American Samoa

5. Andorra

6. Angola

♥7. Anguilla

♥8. Antarctica

♥9. Artigua and Barbuda

♥10. Argentina

11. Armenia

♥12. Aruba

♥13. Australia

14. Austria

♥15. Azerbaijan

♥16. Bahamas

17. Bahrain

18. Bangladesh

♥19. Barbados

20. Belarus

21. Belgium

♥22. Belize

♥23. Benin

24. Bermuda

25. Bhutan

♥26. Bolivia

27. Bosnia and Herzegovina

28. Botswana

♥29. Bouvet Island

♥30. Brazil

31. British Indian Ocean Territory

♥32. British Virgin Islands

33. Brunei

34. Bulgaria

♥35. Burkina Faso

♥36. Burundi

37. Cambodia

♥38. Cameroon

♥39. Canada

♥40. Cape Verde

41. Cayman Island

42. Central African Republic

♥43. Chad

♥44. Chile

45. China

♥46. Christmas Island

♥47. Cocos [Keeling] Islands

♥48. Columbia

49. Comoros

50. Congo [DRC]

♥51. Congo [Republic]

52. Cook Islands

♥53. Costa Rica

54. Croatia

55. Cuba

56. Cyprus

57. Czech Republic

58. Denmark

♥59. Djibouti

♥60. Dominica

♥61. Dominican Republic

62. East Timor

♥63. Ecuador

♥64. Egypt

♥65. El Salvador

66. Equitorial Guinea

67. Eritrea

68. Estonia

♥69. Ethiopia

♥70. Falkland Islands

71. Faroe Islands

72. Fiji

73. Finland

♥74. France

♥75. French Guiana

♥76. French Polynesia

77. French Southern Territories

♥78. Gabon

♥79. Gambia

80. Georgia

♥81. Germany

♥82. Ghana

83. Gibraltar

84. Greece

♥85. Greenland

86. Grenada

♥87. Guadelope

88. Guam

♥89. Guatamala

♥90. Guinea

91. Guinea-Bissau

♥92. Guyana

♥93. Haiti

♥94. Heard Island and McDonald Islands

♥95. Honduras

96. Hong Kong

97. Hungary

98. Iceland

99. India

100. Indonesia

♥101. Iran

102. Iraq

♥103. Ireland

104. Isle of Man

105. Israel

♥106. Italy

♥107. Ivory Coast

♥108. Jamaica

♥109. Japan

110. Jersey

♥111. Jordan

112. Kazakhstan

♥113. Kenya

114. Kiribati

115. Kuwait

116. Kyrgyzstan

♥117. Laos

118. Latvia

♥119. Lebanon

120. Lesostho

♥121. Liberia

♥122. Libya

123. Liechtenstein

124. Lithuania

125. Luxembourg

♥126. Macau

127. Macedonia

128. Madagascar

♥129. Malawi

♥130. Malaysia

131. Maldives

132. Mali

133. Malta

134. Marshall Islands

135. Matinique

136. Mauritania

137. Mauritius

138. Mayotte

♥139. Mexico

♥140. Micronesia

♥141. Moldova

♥142. Monaco

143. Mongolia

144. Montenegro

♥145. Montserrat

♥146. Moracco

147. Mozambique

♥148. Myanmar

149. Namibia

♥150. Nauru

<Flag list created

by id:CaptainPhoenix>

♥151. Nepal

152. Netherlands

♥153. Netherlands Antilles

154. New Caledonia

♥155. New Zealand

♥156. Nicaragua

157. Niger

♥158. Nigeria

159. Niue

160. Norfolk Island

161. North Korea

162. North Mariana Islands

163. Norway

164. Oman

165. Pakistan

166. Palau

♥167. Palestinian Territories

♥168. Panama

169. Papau New Guinea

♥170. Paraguay

♥171. Peru

♥172. Philippines

♥173. Pitcairn Islands

174. Poland

175. Portugal

176. Puerto Rico

177. Qatar

178. Romania

179. Russia

180. Rwanda

181. Réunion

182. Saint Barthélemy

183. Saint Helena

♥184. Saint Kitts and Nevis

♥185. Saint Lucia

186. Saint Martin

♥187. Saint Pierre and Miquelon

♥188. Saint Vincent and Grenadines

♥189. Samoa

♥190. San Marino

191. Saudi Arabia

♥192. Senegal

193. Serbia

194. Seychelles

♥195. Sierra Leone

♥196. Singapore

197. Slovakia

198. Slovania

199. Solomon Islands

♥200. Somolia

201. South Africa

♥202. South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands

203. South Korea

♥204. Spain

♥205. Sri Lanka

♥206. Sudan

♥207. Suriname

♥208. Svaldbard and Jan Mayen

♥209. Swaziland

210. Sweden

211. Switzeland

♥212. Syria

♥213. São Tomé and Príncipe

214. Taiwan

♥215. Tajikistan

♥216. Tanzania

♥217. Thailand

218. Togo

219. Tokelau

220. Tonga

♥221. Trinidad and Tobago

222. Tunisia

223. Turkey

224. Turkmenistan

225. Turks and Caicos Islands

226. Tuvalu

227. U.S. Minor Outlying Islands

♥228. U.S. Virgin Islands

229. Uganda

♥230. Ukraine

♥231. United Arab Emirates

♥232. United Kingdom

♥233. United States

♥234. Uruguay

235. Uzbekistan

236. Vanuatu

♥237. Vatican City

♥238. Venezuela

♥239. Vietnam

♥240. Wallis and Futuna

241. Western Sahara

♥242. Yemen

243. Zambia

♥244. Zimbabwe

♥245. Åland Islands

Flags: 123 / 245

<This is out-of-date. o-o>





























































(Râñdôm têxt ârt mâdê by mê. owo ~ ♥)

Curious how I accent the heck out of this?

Simply have Num Lock turned on, hold in ALT, and type on the number pad...

â - 131

 - 0194

ê - 136

Ê - 0202

î - 140

Î - 0206

ô - 147

Ô - 0212

û - 150

Û - 0219

ç - 0231

Ç - 0199

ñ - 164

Ñ - 0209

š - 0154

Š - 0138

ÿ - 0255

Ÿ - 0159



I'm a male.

Kage made me a female for 6 days once -- fun-fun.


It's on December 14th.

Blood type

I was told it's supposedly O since both my mother and father are O's, but I'm not 100% sure and I've no idea if it's positive or neagtive.


Currenntly unemployed.




~I'm an Omni-Expert Player on Rock Band.

~My strongest point is Singing.

~I play Minecraft and Pokémon X.

~I also write a poem on occasion.

Special skills

I can make too many weird noises for my own good...

I'm also good at bugging people. ^-^


English and a bit of Spanish.

Maple Story Characters


SkullSpciety: Lv. 130 Bishop -- El Nido

CakeCaptain: Lv. 70 Striker -- El Nido

CaptainTails: Lv. 98 Marauder -- Khaini.

      • Roze: Lv. 30 Crystal Reindeer-30,000 (MAX) Closeness
      • Maddy: Lv. 17 Toucan-Closeness in 3,000's
      • Silver: Lv. 12 Silver Husky-Under 1,000 Closeness

CaptainTaiIs: Lv. 60 Striker -- Khaini.

AransPhoenix: Lv. 52 Aranith -- Khaini.

EvansPhoenix: Lv. 51 Evanian -- Khaini.

MyLifeIsTorn: Lv. 43 Cleric -- Scania.

tails183: Lv. 40 Islander -- Scania.

♫ Favourite Songs ♫

Angel - Wumpscut

Celestial Dream - Stratovarius

Deep Unknown - Stratovarius

Detroit Rock City - KISS

Enter Sandman - Metallica

Green Grass and High Tides - The Outlaws

It Hurts - Angels and Airwaves

More than a Feeling - Boston

Mountain Song - Jane's Addiction

Painkiller - Judas Priest

Panic Attack - Dream Theater

Spoonman - Sound Garden

The Perfect Drug - Nine Inch Nails
