



I'm a quick changing kinda girl one sec i'm playing "i'm the princess" or watching Barbie or playing with Barbie dolls next sec i'm hanging out of a tree.You don't know what's next.I'm unpredictable, fearless, mysterious,wild, and a little weird. I hold on to fairy tales for the fun of the imagination a secrets about it all if you ask me if unicorns are real i will say yes even though every one knows the right answer.Take it or leave it this is me i'm all mixed up and have a little of every thing. I would say i'm a girly girl but i have owned a snake a very very very tame snake i will NOT touch a wild one without precautions.I have played goth for a day, tried out hippie, and old time girl living outside for a day washing my own clothes with a rock.Call me whatever you want. i write songs i climb trees i write songs in trees and proud of it. i have had a travel pillow job (sewing pillows and selling them door to door)since i was 11.in one sentence i'm me what cha think bout that you dont like it thats to bad. Anyways enjoy my flips!!!!!!;) an peace out!!