



hallo's and good tidings meh friends, my name is happyface, and I love to have fun!! I hope you enjoy my flipnotes just as much as I enjoy making them!! even though Im not well known, I thank you all for taking your time to watch the flipnotes I make! so long hatena members!!*happyface out!! PEACE!!! UPDATE (1-8-11) : arg!! I am so sorry guyz!! i am so stoopid!! k so heres the dealio, uh yah so your prolly lai wut the french toast Happy...??? where on the internet has you gone??? WELLLL... I curently have no cable or internet sooo I cant post flips... if your wondering how I is typing this, im using mai appartments internet! (sshhhhhhh!!) i dont know how to conect it tew mai DS!!! so yah i have flips and all that chiz but as you can tell i cant post any lol. oh yah!! HAPPEH BIRTHDAY CAAAAASSEEEYYY!!!!!!!!!! YOURE SO AWSOME!!! IM SORRY I CANT POST A FLIP FOR JOO!!!! ARRG! stoopid happy!!! IM HOPEFUL THAT I WILL BE BACK SOON!!! MISS YOU GUYZ!!! mua -happy :DD 私の日本語は非常に良いイム学习れていない場合私が謝罪...私のフリップノートを見てあなた時間を割いていただきありがとうごいます!幸せそうな顔バイバイからに関して!