Noob slayer

Noob slayer さんのプロフィール


Noob slayer

Hi my name is 11 and I'm Levi years old and live in Canada! Pleas check out my new channel, i will look and add stars at all the flipnotes that go into my channels.

and check out my Favorite creator of all time, Bradley!(id:brad123bradley) he is so awesome!

Flipnote hatena shorterm goals:

Get 100,000 gold stars

get 20 green stars <complete>

get 3 red stars <complete>

get a blue star

get 35 or more fans

get a flipnote in hot flipnotes

Flipnote hatena Longterm goals:

get 500,000 stars

get 50 green stars

get 15 red stars

get 5 blue stars

get 1000 fans

get a flipnote in most pop

thank you for reading!

(notice anything?)


好きな食べもの pankacks