


Back from the dead!... wait, is that even possible... oh well. Anyway, the point is that I chaanged my mind about quiting, so, here I am. Now my brother DBZ-Fan has joined me on my account, so give him some credit too, okay?

DBZ-Fan: I dont know what to write for my updated profile...

Ummm I Like POKEMON 0,o <- ha funny face anyway I love that people have been loving on us and thank you for supporting us It means a lot.

Our creaters rank was at its highist at (816) "if it gos up I'll change the number in the (). so thank you all again for supporting us.

Remeber dont ADD *s unless you like us and tell you friends only if you want to you dont need me to tell you do it if you want to and only if you want to.

^,^ love you all

~ DBZ-Fan