



Hiya im kunzya . most people call me kunz . i love art wolves. my hatena friends and fans they are like family to me . prince is my bfffl we share secrets and i trust him with my life! shin is like the family i wish i had. me shin and prince are the 3 musketteres [i suck at spelling oh well ] crona is like my sis.Oct sixx is like my girlfriend jkjkjkjkjk shes awesome and im so grateful to have her as a friend. i love all my friends dixiewlf , wondermutt, aly, lily,and ritz are my best friends :] , peacy is my buddeh , i love all my hub friends i hope they all find me. i have a wolf clan 500+ members and growing, im a girl btw . well thats me

  • Keepin it Kunz since 94