



My name is Lois. Im Eleven years old and I live with my parents and a younger sister in Derby. I and im in Y6 at school. I have lots of friends. I play one musical instrument called the clarinet and ive just passed my grade 2! Im very good at sport and I do: Swimming every week, Netball, Running and bike riding. My hobbies are: Swimming,Clarinet,Drawing(Art),Netball, House captain and Junior Librarian.

My favourite colour is Turquoise because it reminds me of the welsh sea. I go on holiday there every year in the spring half term and the summer holidays.My best friend in the whole wide world is Amber who is eleven.

My most favourite flipnote creator is obviously HARRY who is thr star of the show, his creations are magnificent and spectacular they are so humourous and you really get the jokes and where they are coming from! His animations are very cool and imagianative.

Sorry that my profile is extreamly long and boring but i got a bit carried away SORRY! I am a very chatting like person today! IM LITTLE MISS CHATTERBOX!!!!!