
mccam's Profile

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Self introduction

Parfois je me demande ce que certains de mes noms de OC, même signifie et comment je suis venu avec eux XD donc oui ~ Copiez et collez ce, commentaire (coller) Je ne sais pas quoi, et à traduire. et hop!! bonne im au français hein? J'espère que tu penses so.Because il a fallu une éternité pour apprendre! Mais il valait la peine! Parce que la plupart des gens (comme Sandstorm) ne savent pas ce qui im ​​Sayin jusqu'à ce qu'ils traduisent>: D Donc, c'est un énorme avantage. Eh bien, Bye starngers lire mon profil!

Oops,not goodbye! O.C descriptions~

Frenchie:A good friend and a nice person to have around when you're feeling down.His birthday is August 3rd.He gets sugar h!gh off Funfetti cake XD he's 16 years old and can't tie his shoes,so capitalize this moment and make fun of him XDDD full name:Frenchie(Fry) Jameson Short.His bro's Pierre and Ray make fun of him A LOT XD don't forget his sis Valicity~he's allergic to cinnamon,vanilla,pizza,eggplant,and coconut XDDD that's a lot.

Raymond:he's mean and obnoxious.his b-day is August 18th.hes 19 and gets h!gh off cinnamon.full name:Raymond(Ray) Andreas(too lazy to think of good name) Short.hes Frenchies bro.

Pierre:another mean guy~his b-day is January 25th.hes 25 and gets h!gh off MnM's. Full name:Pierre Van-Short(again,too lazy to think of good name)he's Fry's other bro.

Valicity:(an old char remade)she's kind to her brothers(sometimes) her b-day is June 6th.shes 19 also and gets h!gh off tootsie rolls XD full name:Valicity Marianne Short. She's allergic to cinnamon and vanilla

Neo:he's a VERY mean vampire who's VERY short~(4'4) his b-day is July 26th.hes 3024 and gets h!gh off gummy bears.full name:Neo Darion Baxter. He's my fave O.C dBhes got a bro named Zenith,a sis named Trinity,and 2 people he ha.tes most...Arty and Zephyr >:D

I'll continue this on my other account~Okie dokes! Bye for reals!!!!