



hi my name is Megan. i love neon so much but my parents say its stupid. im gonna post new pics of myself so dont judge me by my first pics cuz i was 10 then so look at me noaw!!! 11 baby livin it real. i have a facebook and myspace and twitter and zwinky 8D my fave thing to do is go to ms paint and draw and 1 of my friends taught me to do this >:(= lol 5.4 and still growing(wow) i ♥ to blog because i like typing my family is a bunch of artist(besides my moms side lol) but my uncle Steven died and he was 1 of the best artist in west virginia im related to like 18 famous ppl but i forgot their names D8 my friends call me neenie (yesh i have friends SHOCKER!) and vampire cuz

1. i H-A-T-E the sun


3. i cant tan

4. blood ish tasty

5. i love the cold and winter

6. at night my eyes are hazel (no lie!)

7. my cuz says thank god for sunshine i say thank god your nuts!!!

8. im shy

9. i can preform TeLiCoNiCiS <- can spell (jk but not)

10. im pale! (wait did i already say that???)

so that is pretty much all i have to say bout myself!plus don't get me wrong but if i get hyper the only thing that can calm me down is to wad up paper balls an fill a paper cone with them <_< heres my face book thingamajig </ppp>!/pages/Gir/64159348416?ref=search




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