
Gabies Profil

I'm a nice person who really loves to write and draw. I'm shy when it comes to meeting new people so usually they talk to me first. I'm very picky when it comes to somethings but i've never let that get in the way of my friendships.

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I'm a nice person who really loves to write and draw. I'm shy when it comes to meeting new people so usually they talk to me first. I'm very picky when it comes to somethings but i've never let that get in the way of my friendships.


Here are my o.c's name, DOB, and status

Noah, aug 19 2012, N/a

Elaine, aug 19 2012, N/a

Elizebeth, dec 12 2006, N/a

Camelia, mar 8 2004, N/a

Gabie, feb 19 1998, taken

Tidus, mar 15 1997, single

Rowan, aug 20 1996, taken

Lionel, may 3 1996, N/a

Miku, aug 5 1995, single

Sasuess, aug 5 1995, single

Rex, jun 4 1995, taken

Robin( girl ), feb 27 1993, taken

Hazel, nov 3 1992, taken

Richard, july 31 1991, single

Zak, aprl 8 1980, single

Cj ( vamp ), sept 10 1912, single

Chasper ( vamp ), jan 19 1812, taken

Shawn ( vamp ) jan 19 1812, single

Synthesis ( vamp ) oct 30 1712, N/a

Angel ( immortal ), 1500 b.c, N/a

Sarah, may 2 1999, dead

Abbie, feb 19 1998, dead

Caira, dec 25 1814, dead

Samantha, aprl 16 1790, dead


Saint marys georgia


Writing stories, songs and poems. I also love to draw


English is my main language but i speak a little bit of spanish and a very little bit of french, german, japanese and maybe a little chinese. I'm more of the spanish and english speaker the others i only kno like three or four words maybe.