
Vistaclearrevie's Profile

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Self introduction

Stop smoking to increase the longevity vista clear reviews of your eye health. Smoking can cause cataracts, optic nerve damage and other health issues. If you have been unsuccessful when you tried to quit smoking, try again. Each time to try to quit smoking, you are more likely to be able to stop.

Try not to touch your eyes. It may seem hard to do, but your hands carry many germs and irritants that can get into your eyes and cause issues. You should also never scratch your eyes. If you must touch or rub your eyes, make sure your hands are clean and that you handle them gently.

While sunglasses are helpful for protecting your eyes from the sun's UV rays, it may also be wise to wear a wide-brimmed hat. Wearing this kind of hat prevents any UV rays from reaching your whole face, including your eyes. So, if you know you will be outdoors for a long period of time, wear this kind of hat.

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