ProfileLast updated:
- Nickname
- Morizin
- Description
Bicycle traveler , Travelers on foot(also hitchhiking) , Mountaineer
- Self introduction
●Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog from all over the world! I am a 48-year-old traveler living in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Since 2020, he has been traveling around Japan by bicycle and has also climbed Japan's 100 Famous Mountains. I plan to continue wandering around Japan in the future. I hope you continue to read my blog.
●Japan is a very safe country for travelers, with beautiful scenery and delicious food.
【Bicycle Travel history(All Japan)】
●One trip from Nagano Prefecture to Wakayama Prefecture cycling road (2020,approximately 3 weeks).
●From Nagano Prefecture, go around Lake Biwa and climb Japan's 100 Famous Mountains (Mt. Ibuki and Mt. Arashima) (2020, about 2 weeks).
●A bicycle trip around Hokkaido and a trip to climb all of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains in Hokkaido
Cycle from Nagano Prefecture to Niigata City → Otaru by ferry) Then, go around Hokkaido counterclockwise (climb all 9 of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains in Hokkaido) (More than three months from July 2021).
(富士山、槍ヶ岳、九重山(久住山)、開聞岳、大山、恵那山、蓼科山、四阿山、大菩薩嶺、雨飾山、伊吹山、荒島岳、後方羊蹄山、十勝岳、大雪山(旭岳)、トムラウシ、幌尻岳、阿寒岳(雌阿寒岳)、斜里岳、羅臼岳、利尻岳、大台ケ原山(日出ヶ岳)、大峰山(八経ヶ岳))、九重山(中岳)、阿蘇山(中岳、高岳)、祖母山、霧島山(韓国岳)、宮之浦岳、御嶽山、白山、焼岳、奥穂高岳、仙丈ケ岳、甲斐駒ヶ岳、美ヶ原、霧ヶ峰、瑞牆山、金峰山、甲武信ケ岳、天城山(万三郎岳)、丹沢山(蛭ヶ岳)、雲取山、両神山、浅間山(賽の河原分岐まで)、武尊山(沖武尊)、谷川岳(オキの耳)、苗場山、巻機山、越後駒ケ岳、平が岳、燧ケ岳、至仏山、会津駒ケ岳、日光白根山(奥白根山)、男体山、皇海山、赤城山(黒檜山)、筑波山(女体山)、那須岳(三本槍岳)、磐梯山、安達太良山、吾妻山(西吾妻山)、蔵王山(熊野岳)、早池峰山、岩手山、八幡平、八甲田山(大岳)、岩木山、鳥海山(七高山)、月山、朝日岳(大朝日岳)、飯豊山(飯豊本山)、高妻山、火打山、妙高山) 2024年2月11日現在
- Full name
Morito Iida
- Gender
- Age
- Birthday
March 31st
- Blood type
- Place of residence
Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, in Japan
- Place of birth
Born in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan
- Hobbies
Reading book
- Special skills
Curiosity and energy to continue the journey
- Languages
It's mostly written in Japanese, but I plan to write in English.
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