

Vin Hair Factory - The Best Vietnamese Hair Factory



Vin Hair Factory - The Best Vietnamese Hair Factory


Vin Hair Factory - The Leading Vietnamese Hair Factory

As a distinguished name in the hair manufacturing industry for over 11 years, Vin Hair Factory has consistently delivered top-notch quality and authentic hair products that stand out in a competitive hair market.

1. About Vin Hair Factory

Vin Hair Factory is a leading name in the hair extension industry, dedicated to providing top-quality hair products that enhance natural beauty and confidence. With over 11 years of experience in the field, we have established ourselves as a trusted and innovative hair manufacturer, meeting the diverse needs of customers worldwide.

2. What set Vin Hair apart from other hair factories

Vin Hair Factory distinguishes itself from other hair factories through a combination of key factors: Quality of hair, wholesale hair price, experienced labor force, and excellent customer service:

2.1. Commitment to hair quality

At Vin Hair Factory, our commitment to hair quality is unwavering. We understand that the quality of our products is not just a reflection of our brand but also a crucial factor in customer satisfaction. Here's how we ensure top-notch quality in every strand of hair we produce:

  • Clear origin: We source only 100% human hair for our products. This means that our extensions, wefts, wigs, and other hair items are made from real, natural human hair. This ensures a completely authentic look and feel.
  • Skilled craftsmanship: Our team of skilled craftsmen, with over a decade of experience, ensures that each hair product is created with precision and attention to detail. From wafting to styling, every step is executed with care.
  • Texture variety: We understand that hair texture is diverse, and we cater to a wide range of preferences. Whether you desire straight, wavy, curly, or other textures, we offer an array of options to suit your style.
  • Customization: We offer customization options to meet individual preferences. This includes various lengths, colors, and styles, allowing you to create a look that's uniquely yours.
  • Consistency: Vin Hair Factory maintains consistent quality across our product range. When you choose our hair, you can be confident that you'll receive the same level of quality every time.

Our dedication to quality is reflected in our long-standing reputation as a leading hair factory. We believe that everyone deserves access to premium, natural hair that enhances their beauty and confidence. That's why we continuously strive to deliver the highest quality hair products to our valued customers worldwide.

2.2. Wholesale hair prices

At Vin Hair Factory, we recognize the importance of transparency and fair pricing for our customers. When you partner with us, you benefit from our commitment to providing competitive wholesale hair prices.

  • Direct manufacturers: We take pride in being a direct manufacturer of hair products. This means that when you choose Vin Hair Factory, you're eliminating intermediaries in the supply chain. This direct relationship enables us to offer you more competitive prices compared to buying from distributors or retailers.
  • Wholesale price: By working with us, you're cutting out unnecessary middlemen, which typically add to the cost of hair products. We believe in offering you the opportunity to source high-quality hair directly from the source, resulting in cost savings.
  • Bulk ordering: We welcome bulk orders, and our pricing structure is designed to accommodate large quantities. Whether you're a salon owner, distributor, or individual looking to buy in bulk, our wholesale prices are tailored to meet your needs.

In summary, at Vin Hair Factory, we prioritize offering competitive wholesale hair prices while maintaining the exceptional quality of our products. We believe that everyone should have access to premium, natural hair extensions, and products without overpaying. Our direct manufacturer approach and commitment to fair pricing set us apart in the industry, ensuring that you receive the best value for your investment

2.3. Experienced labor force

Our craftsmen are at the core of our success. With over a decade of expertise in hair manufacturing, they bring unparalleled skill and knowledge to every stage of production. Each hair product undergoes a careful and precise manufacturing process to deliver the best quality to our customers.

Moreover, we recognize the importance of exceptional customer support. Our team is available 24/7 to address inquiries, requests, and feedback promptly and professionally. We believe that dedication and efficiency in customer support are key to maintaining our leading position in the hair extension industry.

3. Main products from Vin Hair Factory

Vin Hair Factory proudly offers a diverse range of high-quality hair products to meet the needs of our valued customers. Our main products include:

  • Hair weft: Our hair wefts are crafted with precision and care, ensuring that each strand is securely and seamlessly attached. Whether you prefer straight, wavy, or curly textures, we offer a wide selection to match your style.
  • Clip-in extensions: Our clip-in extensions are designed for easy application, providing instant volume and length to your natural hair. They come in various lengths, colors, and textures to suit your desired look.
  • Tape-in extensions: Vin Hair Factory's tape-in extensions offer a discreet and long-lasting solution for adding thickness and length to your hair. They are available in a range of shades and textures for a seamless blend.
  • Tip-in extensions: Tip-in extensions are known for their durability and natural appearance. Our tip-in extensions are made to last, giving you a beautiful and long-lasting transformation.
  • Bulk hair: Bulk hair is perfect for creating custom extensions, wigs, or braids. Our bulk hair is sourced and processed with care to ensure it maintains its quality and texture.
  • Closures and frontals: Enhance your hairstyle with our closures and frontals. They offer a natural-looking finish and come in various sizes and styles to complete your desired look.
  • Hair wigs: Vin Hair Factory specializes in crafting premium hair wigs. Whether you're looking for full lace wigs, lace front wigs, or other wig types, our collection offers versatility and exceptional quality.

With our commitment to quality, and a wide range of textures, lengths, and colors, Vin Hair Factory provides customers with the flexibility to achieve their desired hair transformations. Our products are designed to enhance your natural beauty

Contact us:

Whatsapp Number/ Hotline: +84335311847




Vin Hair Factory is not just a hair supplier; we are a partner in your business's success. We are committed to continuously improving and innovating our products and services to meet the ever-evolving needs of the industry and our valued customers.