ANGELSTAR410155s Profil

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  • my name is- fluffybuns. XD
  • who do I like?- well, I have my mind set on no one right now. Most of them are immature a holes. Maybe later. XP

family?- weelll, my momma is axgel, and we have a child -maybe i should rephrase that. He's my bro- named froid. He is a clone of our masterrrrr. Creepers huh?




As I look back on my past life here, I realise I was such an annoying girl. I'm very grateful for all of my friends, but maybe I 've realised that too late. I do wish I could do most things over again, but there's nothing to do except try and change. And that is what I've done. Im a lot more mature than I used to be. But, hey, thats what growing up is for. No, I can't make everybody happy, but you also can't count all the flowers in the world. Anyways, I've come to love everybody I've met. I remember when I first went to a really active chat. I was nervous out of my mind, and came anyways. I met someone whose name is really similiar to mine, and the people who changed me. That was 2 years ago. I love you all. ^__^