
Akatsukiboys Profil

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Hello and good evening, I am tonight's entertainment. COUGH HACK. Oh my, I apologize, don't quite know what just happened. But I, am the great Beat Ninja! BN to friends, (and myself) and Tobi to besties. I'm a good for some stuff otaku who spends most of his time on his laptop, sitting backwards in his swivel chair, mashing away on his drum set, and or giving his hands and wrist a work out with his arcade fight stick. I try to do my best in animating and drawing (even though I'm arguably the laziest person in california) to please my small but loyal fan base of whom I love with all my heart.

I have returned from a 5 month hiatus!! And I hope to bring my lovelies much more entertainment, but for now, I bid you adieu. So long for now~