
Perfil de Alice-the-hedgehog-angel

PerfilÚltima actualización:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

Yoooo, it's me, Zaza 8D ! Then, you're okay? FINALLY MY NEW PROFIL é.è:

Name : (Censuré >w<)

Years old : 1(et quel chiffre?) c:

B-day : 5 avril :3

Fav color (in french): Rouge sang, noir nuit, blanc étoile et bleu aura.

Bff: Lechatdor$, Lauratm, huiriu et Dj~Chloé *si tu veux ^^*

Ami: Amiko, Epic Green, Link Ace, Midnight... ..., N.H※Léa※, N.H☆Cosmo☆, Escope oフo, Packy°™, Annan64☆, Alex AC, ザららーkoyuki, mimi, •°Emmy°•, N.H.susana, `Reshy~♪, Aramide et gloomy™° !!!

Mes personnage de The legend of Zelda :

Kosuky *principal*, Katshou, Aurore et Scarlet *pour le moment*.


Koyuky, Shiky, Lily, Mindy, Jack, Fouchard, Kodaï et Mikye.

Sonic :

Caomie the wolf-fox-skull

Teeco the wolf-ice

Alice the cat-wolf-spirit

Miyu the cat-dragon

Shironix the fox-dog

Baka the wolf-star

Amina the cat-fairy-queen of the dimension

Kosmos the hedgehog-king of the times

Milie the lab-mouse

Louise the lab rat

Panic the wolf-spycho

Shinobou the fox

Nodokai the magical-hedgehog

Nunchoco the mouse-killer

Linoune the cute-mouse

Lucile the cat-pika

Rusty the dog

Terezi the cat-troll

Zatana the dragon-troll

Mangafan the rat-fighter

Chinisou the fox and more.. I'll add him later !

Vilaaa, a+ mes bbf / amis !!! Je vous adore >vO