
Perfil de Autumn_Moon

PerfilÚltima actualización:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

A puppet without a heart, the strings that yank me about

Tangle all my emotions and tear them apart


Name: Call me either my Hatena id "Autumn" or my flipnote creator name "Snow"

Gender: Female

Likes: Manga, drawing manga, anime, strawberry pocky, Vocaloid, Celtic music, the game series Harvest Moon, nature, cute/pretty things, and um...sad things.

Dislikes: When people are mean, when people post really inappropriate flipnotes but tell you not to report, spaghetti, being in a crowd of people (I'm really shy and quiet), and when I procrastinate. Which is all the time unfortunately >.<

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite season: Autumn and Summer

Favorite manga series: Yotsuba&!, Happy Cafe, Happy Happy Clover, Chocomimi, Aqua, Kitchen Princess, Wild@Heart, Di Gi Charat, Kimi ni Todoke, Love Com, and Chi's Sweet Home.


~Some people complain that God placed thorns on roses, while others praise him for putting roses among thorns...

~I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.
