
Perfil de Dj

Japanese American oFTo

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Hatena ID

Japanese American oFTo

Self introduction

Hi!!! :) As you all may notice, my name is djstellar. My nickname is dj and my favorite word is stellar (my fav word is stellar because it's means star-like and I get called that a lot, I'll tell you why). So i basically put those two words together, and ding, here I am on flipnote hatena :). The reason I was called stellar a lot is because I am a star-student. I am very organized, get a 3.9/4.0 g.p.a, but mostly 4.0., I have never ever been suspended or sent to the office at school, and I choose good choices 99% of the time :). I am very nice and love the color purple :). I also can draw really good. I believe that it was inherited by my dad :). My celebrity crush is Jaden Smith and I love his new hair cut!!!! I am currently going to the 9th grade at Genesee Early College and it is really an honor that I was accepted there. Not to brag lol, but I was valedictorian in the 8th grade after all :). I graduated middle school with a 4.0 :):) yay!!!! So everyone, I am just now starting to make good flips. Please add stars, or don't. At least leave a comment so I can improve . Thanks everybody!!!!! :D XD


13 years old


August 25



Special skills

Drawing, cleaning, advanced/average in school and never had a C on my report card


little of Japanese and full English and a little French and Spanish
