
HaleyC's Profile

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

Hi every one who is wasting there time reading this and not playing on a video game, eating ice cream, or doing some thing fun! I am the kind of girl who loves small animals like kittens and bunnies, but I am also the toughest and strongest girl in my school. I LOVE watching scary movies, sleeping, reading,and Drawing. I am now about to go to a drawing and writing magnet school. I am in middle school. I took mixed marshal arts for a wile,and beet all my opponents (no Joke!) and even beet my older brother! My real name is Catelyn Snodgrass, yes that is how you spell my name, the only reason I put Haley down as my name is because my best friend is named Haley, she was a special ed girl, and people would make fun of her, but I stud up for her and tough them a lesson! (no not like punching if that is what you are thinking) I also love music from paramore,skillet, and breaking benjamin. Yes, I am emo, if you don't like that about me it's your problem. thx for reading <(-w-)>