
Knouge4evers Profil

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Hatena ID

I don't really know what to say for here... I guess I'll give some information about myself...

Name: Kate

Last Name: Can'thaveit ^.^

Age: 13

Birthday: May 13th

Birth year: Use math to figure it out...

Favorite bands/musicians: Skillet, tobyMac, DragonForce, Three Days Grace, Evanescence, Linkin Park, and Fireflight.

Bands/musicians I can't stand(Sorry if you like any of them): Justin Bieber, Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, pretty much any Disney singer.

Genres of music I love: Rock, heavy rock, metal, heavy metal, and a veeeeeery small fraction of pop.

Favorite books: How To Train Your Dragon, Harry Potter, The Moorchild, stuff like that...

I don't really know what else to say... x3