
Profilo di Roger55

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Self introduction

I'm a guy.

I have personality.

I hate false reporting, stealing, flagging, scams, etc.

Welscome 2 mai page. Lol I spelled welcome wrong intentionally. I recommend watching my newer flips. (My old flips sux) Add stars and comments if you feel like it, but since I'm a nice guy, you don't have to if you dont want to. (Dont worry, Weegee or Justin Bieber or a ferocious hot dog won't get you.) I love drawing cartoons and even have my own comic strip called West Rock. I'm also in a (slightly) famous band called The Foresters. (Trust me, u neva heard of dem. if u have, tell me!) I'm a runner, a bicycler, and a swimmer. If you're still reading this, you must assume that i have a pretty eventful life. Thats why come i dont post flips that often. Sewiously, *lol* visit, my totally main inspiration. Also, here's to Mike, that guy that made the flip about the guy w/ all da wafflez, gizmo, and all mai fellow gizmoids out there. If you *gasp* are STILL reading this, i'll tell u some fun facts! *woot!*

1: I'm left handed

2: I'm Hungarian (I'm hungry too sometimes) lol bad pun

3: I'm Polish

4: I'm everything else.

5: I have a guitar

6: I'm a number of years old. around Gizmo's age

7: Pie is awesome

8: I have a new series called Paz

9: A paz is not a Chao

10: I'm a big homestarrunner fan

Thank u for reading this. Now go out there and eat a burger!