Wolf Mutt

Perfil de Wolf Mutt

I'm a very fun loving, no nonsense person. I like to speak proper english and rarely get mad^~^

PerfilÚltima actualización:

Hatena ID
Wolf Mutt

I'm a very fun loving, no nonsense person. I like to speak proper english and rarely get mad^~^

Full name

Wolf Crome Mutt(Safety Purposes Yosh!)


Female(Real world too)


14(Freshman this Year!)


11 Tsuki(Google Translate, heh, heh)

Blood type

I don't know anymore...


None yet!(Refer to Age)


No!(Safety Purposes Yosh!)

Place of residence

Texas(No me gusta West Nile, It's too hot here!)

Place of birth

Texas(But I'm half British and would prefer it better there)


Furries! Pokemon! Anime! Videojuegos! Art! Swimming! Equestrian!(You know It!)

Special skills

I have a pretty good phycotic evil laugh? (Idk)


English(Not "SWAG" English), some Japanese(don't bombard me), a few words of German and some Spanish(again don't bombard me).

Favorite Real Animal

Well there is one horse I am in love with. I'm actually riding her in my profile pic! Her name is April and she has the smoothest canter you have ever rode. She also has this awesome lightning bolt blaze on her forehead(freak of nature, should have named her Hermione). I always love to ride her^~^