
dunkenloopy's Profile

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

I'm creator Taylor,Epicscream on halloween,and I love hatena!I love creators with original ideas and creators *kevin*,anthony,boss,and gizmo.I own a flipnote company called,''Revolve'' that lets the members do certain stuff.CHECK MY FLIPS!

New Update:I have been posting flips related to my favorite game series,

Bioshock.It's so cool!!!!You should play it!Anyways,check my new flips out!P.S.

It is better than Black Ops,even though I'm a C.O.D. Fan...

Update #2:Dear my fans and haters,I lost ma ds!!..well actually I haven't looked for it but....oh wellz!!..once I find it..I'll start on ma BOTDF(best band evar!!)MVz....kthxbye

Update #3:Ma little bro accidentally deleted his Flipnote Studio,so we have decided,we're gonna share a new account....I'll link it to this....