
jdlarrimos Profil

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My main Character is Nego the Wolf, a wolf (obviously) that has the power over fire. Here's his Traits:

Name: Nego the Wolf


Gender: Male


Age: 17


Relationship: Has a girlfriend


Hobbies: Mostly trains with his swords and plays drums; Can speak some Spanish.


Favorite Music: Country, Rock.

Songs in specific: "Pain,"

3 Day's Grace & "Devastarion and Reform," by Relient K.


Powers: Power to control Flames and shadows; Can change into a basic wolf if injured; Will turn into a werewolf without a certain ring.


Friends: Sydney the Wolf (His girlfriend), Zoey Hearts the Fox, DoubleD, Dawn the Cat, Rex the Cat, & Breeze the Fox.


Date of Birth: 11/24/1995


Background: Nego's parents and siblings were shot when he was really young. Now, his parents have somehow came back to life and are trying to seek revenge on their only living son, resulting in partial blindness.

                              • *Update*--------------

My parents took away my DSiXL, so I can't do much. I will update when I get it back.