
Profil de princess-of-hyrule

ProfilDernière mise à jour:

Hatena ID
Self introduction


For anyone who's interested, here's some stuff about me:

Names on other sites:

MorganLeFlay9 on 3DSPlaza, Infinity on Steam, ElaineLeFlay on ourWorld... Those are the main ones.


Minecraft, Portal 2, The Yogscast, Team Wheatley/ Team Chelley,, Blue Sky, Harry101uk, Smosh... To name just a few.


Swimming, School, People who call other users noobs, Dogs, Showoffs, Mainstream music. Some other stuff too, but you don't want to read a page of boredom, do you?

Age (that really should have gone at the start):



Britain/ France- my dad's English, my mum's French. Meaning that I'm fluent in both languages.

Favourite song:

Changes. I know I said I don't like mainstream music but at the moment I mainly listen to "The Scientist" by Coldplay and "The Harold Song" by Kesha. Oh, and "Why, Wheatley, Why?" ,but anyone who knows that song is a genius, or likes Portal. A lot.

Anyway. I guess this is goodbye. Say goodbye, Lili.

Goodbye, Lili!