
shadowbabyzs Profil

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I am 13 and I currently live in the state of Virginia. I am not a widely known creator, I almost kinda want to be one. (not just for the colored stars but to feel like I'm not just a hated person(alot of people hate me at my school, one of them even used to cuss me out at luch while I sat there like: I care because...)

I kinda suck at drawing and writing neatly, so sorry. I am in the process of creating a new series called stick figures with guns, (suggested by EmoCarnio) so be sure to check out my new series (even though I don't think i will continue it, but episode 1 is there) I do hope you like the series. I also have the new series that I'm now calling Alexa's Story instead of my new series as the title. Special thanks to kidgoku for drawing it. I'm also the leader of Forest Clan, so please check that out.

I like to add color to flips that don't have alot so DON'T call me a stealer if I do that to 1 of your flips because I always give FULL credit. I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOCK YOU!

I like pie. I am a very colorful person who thinks that in the flipnote studio there should be every color of the rainbow. Don't you agree? I really hope you check out my new channels. the Lexi<3Goku channel, the draw me channel, the unnoticed talent channel and the Goku fan channel.

I like to talk so just comment on one of my flips and I'll respond. When you comment though, give me about a week or so to respond because I'm not on here 24/7. If I don't respond within a week or so, then I might be somewhere where I can't get on the computer. Or I might have died or something.