
skittles1's Profile

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

hi my best friend is invader skye. i LOVE! invader zim!:D

my id is skittles1[i know they're is a creator named skittles.] i have a kitten named skittles so thats why.

my best friend is skye[i said already] i pretty much everything she likes except total drama island[AHHHHHHHHH!!!] and DOGS I HATE DOGS AND I LOVE CATS!!! done now....BYE!!!


Im not sure if it says im gone or still on break but my internet isnt working and i cant post any more flips. im not sure how to fix it and ill probably be gone forever.): im so sorry! ill be on the computer tho. also i lost my citizenship and i just got it! i had 32 days and now its 12! im really mad bout that. anyway if my name ever changes to aby(back) then that means my dsi is working again. sorry i feel terrible. well....goodbye