ordinary nightmare

Profilo di ordinary nightmare

a person that just plays around on his nine-year-old computer

ProfiloUltimo aggiornamento:

Hatena ID
ordinary nightmare

a person that just plays around on his nine-year-old computer

Self introduction

my info,^-^

updated: 11-29-11

name: strangeday, ordinary nightmare, or ordinary night, you might have already of noticed

real name: nonechoobuissnes e-e

age: 18000000

race: Scottish, German, American(duh...),and something else,

fave type of music: ...what goes here?

fave class: seminar, if it is one. if not, geometry

fave song: THAT is always changing

fave book(s): the hunger games trilogy

fave band/artist: it varies,

fave game: TF2, minecraft, portal 2, and terraria and other games.

my goals:

to get 50,000 gold stars

to get 50 fans:28%

to get 5 green stars:40%

to get 2 red stars:0%

to get 1 blue star:0%

i'm not going to even dream about geting a purple star

to get a ranking of 100 or lower once:not commpleted yet

i have two sites, one is personal, and the other...is school related so i won't give the URL.

how i came to naming my account:

i was watching a blame it on the pop flip when i misheard same things, i thought that it was strange days( the part that is that part from little bit after "i gotta feeling") and i thought it was a unique name.

and there, kids, is how i got the idea for my name, is it (NOT!) amazing?

when i first found hatena i had a intrest in stick fights, and made one on my brothers dsi, but i deleted it, i wish i did not though. i'm thankful that i have 5 fans and i will always hope that more will fav me.

my first post was a sea turtle in the middle of the sea and yes, it was cute to some people here is the link:


btw, it was posted more than 250 days ago, so i can say that it is original.

update: 6/4/12

you might be wandering what happened to me being all absent and all. the first thing that happened was my finding of steam (it's the one that was developed by valve, so its not the real steam.) and that i put school ifront of chating. so now i actuly have good grades. But don't be balistic, i'll come back every once in a wile to just check in.