TUXs Profil

Description of me... I'm Female. OK, got that... Green eyes. Check... Dirty blonde hair. Mmm Hmmm... Grey cat ears. Red streaks through my hair. I like to hoverboard around everywhere. XD

ProfilLetzte Aktualisierung:

Hatena ID

Description of me... I'm Female. OK, got that... Green eyes. Check... Dirty blonde hair. Mmm Hmmm... Grey cat ears. Red streaks through my hair. I like to hoverboard around everywhere. XD


H'lo. It's me. Y'know, TUX. Yes, THAT TUX. How many other TUXs do you know?!? Oh. Okay then.

I'm a part of BA, Echoclan (terminated O^Q), Dorucan Dragons, Hunted, Rejects, Elementals, the Sonic community of Fandom, the IZ community of Fandom, and other things that escape my messed-up brain at the moment.

You can also find me on deviantART.com (anastasiagirl99) Neurogalaxy.co.uk (anastasiagirl99) Mangafox.com (anastasiagirl99) youtube.com (anastasiagirl99)

Is it just me who sees a pattern there?

8luh 8luh 8luh

I have lots of friends here on Hatena! ^^ And it makes me so happy to talk to them! I'd list tem all here, but I'd end up forgetting someone, and then that would insult them, and then I'd feel all guilty. And I hate feeling guilty. So you'll have to live with the thought that I know you're my friend without having it written down. Okay? Good.

I liek mudkips. Deal with it. Some SissiOrient magnet headphones would be the best thing EVER! I want some! And I am all for purple. It is the new neon green. Comprende? No, me neither. o-o




May 17


Drawing, acting, and dorking out on the computer.


English. and a little bit of Spanish. Puedo ir al bano por favor?