
Aquosking101's Profile

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Hatena ID
Self introduction


  • Season 2 of AOTS(Attack of the Sandbag) is getting pretty far in,but the funny thing is that Aquos and friends haven't even gotten half the fairies! XD
  • My Season 2 forever contest is getting a good amount of entries! I'm just going to tell everyone this: if ur char is a girl, u can use da normal stick figure template (ur char doesn't have 2 wear a dress XD) However, I cannot tell you if you will be in the next episode, or the episode after that. Also, you may end up teaming up with team 1 or team 2. I get to pick. When I post winners (I will every once in a while) u should be aware of a good amount of things. I will tell u which team u'll join and I'll predict when in the series u'll show up. If u posted an entry and ur not a winner in the next announcement, then that means that I couldn't find a reasonable role 4 ur character, or ur character drawing wasn't very good. That's all I have 2 say about entering the forever contest.
  • I'm making AOTS short flips and music vids by the plenty.

So what are you waiting 4? Check my many sprite sheets, enter some contests and enjoy comedy!(Note that I make comedy flips only when I come up with jokes to use.) New to my flipnotes? Check out my suspenseful, hilarious, and action-packed series: Attack of the Sandbag. (Attack of the Sandbag flip inspired by Shinn)