
Perfil de ArcticFoxKit

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Self introduction

Hey! My name's Makayla, but most call me Arctic. That's because my username for almost everything is ArcticFoxKit. I'm an artist, and of coarse I have a deviantArt! I'm not in the best health, but I do what I can. I'm also a bit of an author and philosopher, and hope to become an anthropologist. I won't abandon my art though, and currently work with traditional art (mainly pencil, pastel chalk, and charcoal), clay, and digital art. I enjoy writing poetry, and am working on a number of stories, which may become novels. When I have time to work on them, I generally redo a paragraph several times until I like it, which makes for very short going. So it's mostly just short stories that you'll find. I love animals, and nature. Living in the Pacific northwest, I get to enjoy plenty of both.

^Wow you read all of that?^ X3