
Perfil de Shae

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Self introduction

Hello, I'm Shae-Lynn.

I am the creator of Lyra Fenik the Fennec Fox.

No stealizes from the Shaedorable Shaeziefox! Or my lovey will get chu.




I'm 14 now as of May 28th 2012! I draw Sonic, some anime, and Pie The Don style. I am (it's pretty obvious) take by, guyess who, Pie The Don/Justin. Heeee's...


Yeeeaaah buddyyyy! xD I love dubstep, techno, and pretty much anything electronica. I love chatting, talk to me!

I am gone on Thursdays from 5:35 - 7:15 pm for drums, and you will rarely see me on weekends because I am most likely at a friends house. Sometimes I do have a free weekend though, which will consist of lots of drawing.




Other sites you can find me on:


queengunner257 (main account)

LyraTFFox (sketch account)



Email: Ask for it.



Facebook: Ask for it.

TextNow: 613-917-8808

Kik Account: shaeswaqq1715

Instagram: @lyrafenik

February 14 2012

The day I got together with my lovey<3

Three Months And Still Going Strong<3 I Love You Justin ^~^

Kayla: Owie!! Your iPod hurt my face Dx meanie face. You dropped it on my face. Or maybe i did. Idk. It might've been me. Im not sure. Oh well. Hi. I love youuuuuuuu<3333.

Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I love Jalen more<3 lol why are you feelin my bracelets..IM NOT TAKING IT OFF!!!! Jeez Shae. I love Jalen sooo much!! Lolol he's awesome..i love him<33 im hungry.

Shae: Haha lmao I told you that you were gonna get your . :P cause you were hyper as anything last night lol love attacks!!! H- ahaa I just sneezed Dx!! Ewie. I SHOULD come to your house, you have WFC and I can voice chat with Justin....... :P I LOVE JUSTIN<3!!!! ...what do you wanna eat? O.o

Kayla: Umm eggs :O I LOVE JALEN SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!

Shae: Eggs are for meanies like Eggamn :U Fiiineee I hate eggs Dx what the hex are you talking about...umm yeah you have organs..."ew ew Shae it isn't normal!! Ew...ew...ewno...Shae!! That's not normal!!" omg haha xD Letsa go eat :P. !

Kayla: Yayy haha do you know how to make eggs??

Shae: LOLNOPE :P xD ask mom I guess

Kayla: -.- i know how xD

Shae: Well congratulations Kayla >.> THANKS FOR NOT BOASTING!!!.. I was Corn Pops :'U or cheerios or some other stuff...idek

Kayla: Lol ok..i dont want cereal Dx

Shae: Well okie...lets go eat, buh bai Hatena :P

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