
BigSmile547's Profile

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

yes my name is Sprite, and no, you cant drink!

wow, i really need to update this. ok, so i guess i'll say some stuff i like and dislike and mention my freinds lol. Well, i love: my family, my freinds, drawing, lemons, sleeping, warm days, swimming (cause its hot here!), mudpie, steak and mash potatoes and gravy (lol). what i dislike: nothing really except, stuck up people, conseated people and meny types of food. My awesome friends (this not in order!):Ulquiorra, Donk, Zen, 7 UP, chrissy, satsuki, Nick, jesse, limelight, Tortada,inferno, rebecca, dark bones, nick, Edy, Tanner, Sam, Tifa, Shane, Andrew, miley, pink kitty, kisa, DQ, random, erick, flooploops, water pulse, nick, Ajx, drkangel, pam,, i think thats it!