
BlargHonks Profil

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I looked at the sun for about 60 seconds it was hard to nat blink.Here is what everybody has to know about me............I like Cookies ok that's what you have to mostly know about me.I want to say.........HI WORLD NICE TO MEET YOU WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL I like saying that LOL.Any ways if you read this you can know that I am annoying.I Hate my Brother He is the WORLD CHAMPION OF ANNOYING.He Cuted My eyebrow Alittle and he calls me Josh,Josho,Joshydum.UGH It is so annoying!I hate saying the word ewy or ew,infact I Have a goal of never saying ew or ewy.I can tipe it,but not say it.WELL I HAVE TO GO SO..........................BYE WORLD IT HAS BEEN AWESOME MAKING YOU READ THIS WHOLE THING ABOUT ME AND HOW ANNOYING I AM SO....................................BYE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Being Annoying,nice......sometimes,funny,LOLY,Boring,Playing outside,Being on the Xbox 360,and going to a sucky school.

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Japanese,Little bit spanish,and english :D