- はてなID
- Camoray
- ニックネーム
- Cammy
- 一行紹介
To me art is a passion. and should be shared around the world
- 自己紹介
yo, wassup. my real name is Melissa. i'm 19 years old. i love karate, swimming, bike riding, volley ball, soccer, and basketball. i live in Kansas and hope to become known.
- 氏名
Melissa Anne Kippenberger
- 性別
- 年齢
- 誕生日
- 血液型
i think it's '0'
- 学校
home schooled...
- 住んでいるところ
- 生まれたところ
- 趣味
Drawing (of corse), watching naruto on my computer, reading, riding my bike, running, carving wood with my pocket knife, singing, and playing my piano.
- 特技
art, music, dancing, singing, humor, immitations, and sound effects
- 言語
English, a few words in spanish, 1 sentence and a few words in Japanese, and 1 word in french