
CaraT12's Profile

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Self introduction
Hello! :) I'm gonna do in in little bullet points lol! -my name is Cara -I'm 13 years old -I'm irish -I love coldplay, the script, micheal, nicki minaj, katy perry,ed sheeran <3 - I dislike jb -I love the colours trquoise, black, red, yellow - I love dogs, turtles, tigers/lions, - I hate moths, butterflies, - hate maths - I like writing stories, drawing animals -I am terrible at soprt I can't swim either - I love anything sweet! Mm...chocolate - I love tea! -- I am. Vvery random......lpie! -I like science - speaking irish is very hard!...I can't. Remeber how to say hello but I remeber how to say ' its cold' lol 'ta juar' - love hatena! - my fav shows are family guy, simpsons, big bang theory, corrie, eastenders, ect :) - I like watching peoples series ;) -two. Series I do are about maddie and the demon -I'm writing this on my laptop - I think I'M Finished! Bye everyone! Thankyou for reading this!