
Profil de Celbell

ProfilDernière mise à jour:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

Hello every one :)

I am Anime Angel or celbell but prefer Anime Angel!

I live in Australia... and it's warm...

My chara is Cynthia don't ask me why cause I got no clue

I have an acount on devian art it's:


I am 14 since the 9th of november :)

I do all my art work on devian art in paint for those who want to know :) but if there is an easier why tell me please cause it's hard using a mouse :(

I have been drawing since I was very young and have been into anime for a very long time... very. I would write them all down but theres just to many.

However I can tell you my all time top ten favs at the moment it's *drum roll*

1. D.Gray-man - I love it so much I have watching eng subbed, eng dubbed and the manga.

2. Fairy tail - Love this too lucy and natsu are my top favs then it's grey and erza :)

3. Full meatal alchemist - I love this because the characters, story and action and all balnced out :)... and funny

4. The wallflower - OMG I loved this series OMG it was so funny, I have read to manga as well.

5. Full metal panic - OMG again this is sooo funny if you like an oblivious person this is the one to look for... awesome action scence as well.

6. Inu yasha - I like it I thought it had a wonderful story, it was funny, loveable and you get attached to the characters as well.

7.Kase no stigma - FUNNY AS HELL!!!! There is lots of funny bits, action, and one of the characters is so dam kool (cool)!!!!

8. Tsubasa reservoir chronicles - I love it the characters we amazing you get so attached to them but this is a full on fantasy so if ou do not like fantasy I wouldn't watch this... but if you are it is a must watch :).

9. Death Note - I loved this because it was so well planned and you got the storyand you get so attached to the series and characters.

10. Bleach - this is well known a can have the tenth spot it's very very good.

Those are my top ten if you have any other ones you suggest give me a shout!!!!!!!!!!

Weekly News:

Hi guys I am BACK!!!! So happy and I have heaps of new peices of work, new series and heaps of new tags, and comps coming your way so satay tuned.

this you guys inspire me sooo much thanxs (if you guys don't know what thanxs means it's thanks) I love the nice and awesome comments I get from you and you are all awesome!! Thanks everyone <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!