
Perfil de ChatterrChatbot

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Self introduction

We can create a bot for your website, or even help integrate your bot with other channels such as Facebook Messenger and Skype. We have experience building bots for a wide range of different industries and sectors.

Our services include:

Developing chatbots using the latest AI technology

Hosting your chatbot on the right platform: Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack etc.

Integrating with popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube

Building bespoke bots for your specific needs

Helping you make the most of your bot and maximise its potential

Creating conversations unique to your brand and voice - We can also help you with all your customer service needs - The best chatbots are those that help them solve their problems.

There are two ways to talk to a chatbot: speak to the bot, or type in a text message. We make sure our bots communicate with you the way you prefer.