
Perfil de Da-Sinister-Kitty

PerfilÚltima actualización:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

Hello pplz!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡

I'm glad i joined flipnote hatena!!:3


Because i can express my talents!!

I'll be on flipnote hatena for a long time!

But if I dont post flips for a while, its either because I TAKE FOREVER TO ANIMATE,

too much homework, or technical difficulties with the internet connection(it happens ALL the time -_-)


About me:

1.I am 13 years old

2.My birthday is on May 7th(sooo close to 5 of may a mexican celebration day)

3.I am Mexican(about 75%)

4.My favorite color is blue

5.I simply have a LOVE for cats and animals

6.I'm an anime fan

.Yes, my favorite anime is Lucky star

8.I am nice but not boring nice

9.I like being crazyyyyyy/randomm >:3333333

10.my favorite food is tacos and spagghetti

11.so yeah..



14.....why are you still reading this??

15.did you even realize i forgot to write a number 7??

16.when you read number 15, you went and looked back to see if there was a number 7

17.HAHA i got you!! XD


19...seriously why are you still reading this??


I dont really like or support the idea that there are people who steal other people's work(such as: people that steal flips in spin offs,star beggars,and false reporters).

So if you want to be my friend,i WILL NOT accept people that are not trustworthy,unkind or rude,or people that are star beggars,or false reporters,or people that steal other people's work.


BTW:i almost never enter hatena on my dsi.Only on mah laptop.For some reason...And I also dont know why my name doesnt show as the Da-Sinister-Kitty , it only shows as D-S-K♥... -__- Ồ[]Ố

You could call me Da-Sinister-Kitty or D-S-K♥ ・ω・

And by the way,thx for supporting me(fans) and all my friends(friends i know and some i dont)that are here in hatena.And also for reading this.Let's make hatena a better place.

------You owe me a $1 for reading this!!!>▽<(not really)--------