



Hi! I'm Jasmine (my nickname) and I have accounts on tinierme, maplestory, wizard101, and irisonline! if you want to be my friend on and of those, then give me a comment! In my free time I come on the computer, draw, and sing.

My catchphrases: Even angels have their wickid schemes!

Good for you!

Epic fail face-palm!

Cannabalism, speak only little of this, playing with our singing androids as if we were big kids! although we dont like her 'cause shes called a hero... we keep coming to our good old hero!

Fave animes: Sailor moon, Oh my goddess!, Cardcaptor Sakura, Tokyo mew mew, etc.

Fave songs: Melancholic, Bad apple, fences, born for this, Playing god, Melt, etc.