
Profilo di Griss

ProfiloUltimo aggiornamento:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

Konnichiwa! I'm Grissom, also known as Griss, Gibbs, and Gibby. Yes, I'm a girl. -.-

I play neopets, and most of my wolf flips will be about my lupes, Sokuto and Strynell. Check them out here;;

I'm 13 years old and live in Alabama. My interests include drawing, reading, and playing my piano when ever I can. ^^ My goals in life is to go into the air force when I turn 18, retire when I turn 38, and spend to rest of my life caring for animals. Sounds fun, right?

My goals in Hatena is to entertain people with my music and suckish drawings... Not much, but better then nothing.

Up coming flips (that may not come out till Christmas cause I'm lazy, but who isn't?) include;;

Scales, and Liliume.

Enjoy. o3o