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Newbie here… Question? We have three credit cards that we are paying off two of them have a 0% interest rate until the end of next year and the other one has an interest rate of 16.97%. I know the snowball effect says to take the smallest balance and pay on that, and then keep going with your highest balances, however, my question is would it be smarter to focus on the credit card with a 16.9% interest since the others are accruing zero interest right now? Just trying to figure out what the best route is because I’m tired of being in debt. 

The dave way is the snowball, and pay the smallest. He doesn't suggest the "smart" way because the snowball is about behavioral changes not about getting the best bang for your buck

There are a million opinions about this. Dave Ramsey’s plan really worked for us. But the key is to follow the plan. With focus, energy, intensity. Work a second job. Sell so much stuff the kids think they’re next. Pay off those debts smallest balance to largest, without regard to interest rate. Don’t try to improve the program. Just do it the way it’s supposed to be done. And see what happens.

I have "interest free" debt as well but am following the plan and it has gone MUCH FASTER than I anticipated and I'll be working on those interest free loans soon. Don't worry, you'll get there!!!

If you stay gazelle the savings is not as significant as the reward of small accomplishments of paying the smaller ones keeping the momentum. Dave always says if it was a math game we wouldn't be here....use that high interest as motivation to get to it quicker

That is the difference between the Avalanche method and the snowball method. Bottom line is paying interest can actually be a tool to help you start motivated. It's to easy to just get lazy when it's on 0% and drag it out. You need to decide if you need the motivation of quick wins by paying off the smaller balances. Normally they results in better intensity and faster overall payoff.

Nope! Because the program changes behavior. The problem of debt is not one of math. It’s an issue of not being disciplined to save, not being patient to save up then pay cash, and maybe a little of keeping up with everyone else. Pay off the smallest balance due debt first so it motivates you to keep working on earning extra money to grow the shovel!

if you don’t pay off the 0% before the term you will accrue all the interest, IMO I’d work the plan and pay them off and snowball (remember it’s not a math problem” it’s a behavior problem, once you get the momentum, that large interest rate one will be gone!

List the debt smallest to largest…pay as much as possible on the smallest and just the minimum payments on the others…hammer out and pay off the smallest and roll over that amount into the next and so on…that is the Ramsey debt snowball method:) May I ask how much in credit card and other consumer debts are you looking at?

The plan works because of the physiologically behind it. Getting a quick win motivates you to stay focused and keep working the plan. If you could pay the high interest one quickly and still get the others paid off before interest starts accruing it might be worth it but in the grand scheme of things it likely won't make much difference as your goal is to pay them all off as soon as possible.


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