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How to leverage on the opportunities presented by B2B eCommerce market?

As seen from The Forrester Wave™: B2B Commerce Suites, Q4 2020 report, B2B eCommerce is a rapidly expanding market. Last year only it was expected to reach $559 billion by the end of 2020. This significant opportunity has been recognized by Internet giants Amazon and Google, who have ventured into the B2B e-commerce arena last year.

Ecommerce, Online Sales, Sales, Online Store, Trade

How it works?

To be a success in the B2B market the fundamentals are the same – what works for consumers when using a B2C (business to consumer) site, are just the same in the B2B (business to business) world. So,appealing layout, functional navigation and search functionality are all essential for it development company. But B2B sites that become even more lucrative are those that use B2C techniques to deliver online experiences that “transcend the transaction” — these include personalisation, long-tail selection, simplified logins and varied pricing strategies.

There are some key differences which lead to different functional and user experience needs: order values are often greater, the number of orders per customer is often larger (i.e. bulk buying) as are the quantities of orders. There are usually a myriad of payment options and shipping costs that need to be considered. It’s important that your eCommerce platform business it support services these key B2B differences, your pricing strategy out of the box and easily integrates with your business systems.

Most common “how to’s” faced by companies implementing B2B eCommerce processes include:

  • Make it is easy for our customers to navigate our website with such a massive product range?
  • Optimise my user experience with such a deep category structure?
  • Build stronger direct relationships with my already-acquired customers & gain more repeat orders?
  • Prevent competitors from capturing our market share?
  • Create branded, white-label sites for multiple trading partners?
  • Build customer engagement and loyalty through multiple channels?
  • Help my distributors sell more?
  • Get the right price in front of the right customer?
  • Stay ahead of the curve?

Regardless of your position in the B2B sales cycle, i.e. whether you sell direct to other businesses, through distributors or resellers, or you are in the middle of the demand chain, we can help you shorten your B2B sales cycle and increase your revenue by creating a sophisticated eCommerce website that will help you capture, engage and convert your visitors.

What IRCE 2020, the most important eCommerce event in the world, has in store this year?

Believe it or not, this year’s event will also be the celebration of a decade of IRCE being the World’s Largest E-Commerce Conference and Exhibition. Last year, Rightway Solution was one of nearly 9,500 visitors, and it was phenomenal as one would expected with dealers of every possible type of eCommerce product & service solution of software companies you can imagine along with atendees from every industry sector. Mix that with a great entertainment program and food, and you have yourself a winner.

Marketing, Market, Business, Strategy, Ecommerce

IRCE 2020 will be held on June 10-13 at Chicago-Mcormick Place West under “Changing, Connecting, Creating“ slogan announcing this year’s program speakers that will share their strategies and experience on how to form a strong retailer-customer bond through finding the right C-level staff, creating a roadmap for smart technology investments, logistics strategy and many more.

To celebrate its 10th year, IRCE has formed a group of 200+ experts representing all areas of the industry, hence ensuring the IRCE agenda has both strong and wide appeal. The four speakers that will create the highest buzz are definitely the CEO and Co-Founder of mobile software development Niraj Shah, Wikipedia’s CEO and Founder Jimmy Wales, eBay’s CEO and President John Donahoe, and last but not least, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy Joyus’ Chairman and Founder.

If you want to learn from the best in the industry, whether by attending the main conference and/or workshops. Since the projected attendance is at 10,000 we suggest you do your registration or at least find an accomoodation as early as possible.

Registrations open for Imagine Ecommerce 2020

In the course of 3 days, May 12th – 14th, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas will be hosting Magento’s premier eCommerce event, Imagine 2020.

The organizers are expecting more than 1,700 merchants, partners, developers and digital industry experts from 35 countries across the world to participate in cutting-edge sessions that will be presented at Imagine 2020.

For those of you who are not so familiar with the details, we will only mention that the featured keynote speaker is a bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell! So don’t miss out on the opportunity to software testing solution network with a man who was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people!


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