
Profil de Jixy

I am a pansexual gender-queer named, Jessie

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Nom d'utilisateur

I am a pansexual gender-queer named, Jessie

Self introduction

Hello, Names Jessie. I am 14 years old, I have a boyfriend, not online dating sorry dudes n girls.

I am pansexual gender-queer.

I enjoy drawing and taking art requests so please send em.

I play several instruments, I cook, draw, write etc I have a fairly well paying job.

I enjoy life now I am recovering form self-harming for over a decade.

If you really want to know me then contact me, I'm NEVER on here


Kik Messenger: RamenMareep

Face Book: Diane Reed Young

Twitter: RamenMareep

Tumblr: RamenMareep

Vine: Ramen Mareep

Email: ramenmareep@gmail.com -or- ramenmareep@yahoo.com

Steam: RamenMareep

Neopets: survivemylife

SocialNeko: MotherRam

Social Pixel: MotherRam

Coin Spot: MotherRam

Dsi Paint(SDK): MotherRam

Social Ring: MotherRam

The stared ones are the the ones I'm on more often

thespadeprincess.weebly.com/ is my blog

  • Jixy
Full name

Jessie Love, Riverstone




Gonna be 15 in December


December 23

Blood type

A or A Positive


I am a graphic Designer


Queer Creek MS

Place of residence


Place of birth

Portland, Oregon


Cooking, Drawing, Writing, Reading, Preforming, Music, Volentering, Dog Training, and photography, etc

Special skills

Cooking, Drawing, Writing, Music, Volentering, Dog Training, I can sort of 'foresee' things


Russian, Ukrainian, German, Korean, Japanese, English


Rammicly Ramical


Fashion liked Vintage
Vehicles liked Chevy
Things liked Knives, weapons etc.
Drinks liked Faygo
Music liked Push To Talk etc.
Food liked Pasta
Web services liked Social Neko
TV Shows liked Anime etc.
Actors/Actresses liked Chelsea Kane
Location liked Ireland.
Characters liked My Own
Movies liked Big Fish etc.
Celebrities liked Chris Colfer
Games liked Slender, Illusion, Walking Dead etc.
Comics liked Home Stuck
People liked Family and Friends
Art liked Writing, Drawing/Painting, Sewing, Music etc.
Books liked 67 Tales And Other Poems by Edgar Allen Poe
Animation liked Chalk Zone, Redwall, etc.
Sports liked Lo cross
Animals liked Squids, Birds, Rams