



Tips Every Airbnb Host Should Know

Being an Airbnb host can be time-consuming, exhausting, and overwhelming if you’re not managing your business correctly. Aside from being profitable, the hosting process should also be enjoyable and fulfilling. If you’re looking to improve your listing(s) or simply starting out in the industry, these Airbnb host tips and tricks will help you out in no time. 

On Airbnb, there are several touchpoints with potential guests where you’ll have a chance to display your property. We’re here to share some trade secrets with you about each touchpoint to better optimize the attractiveness of your listing. 

Before anything else, be aware that Airbnb search functions differently compared to Google search results. Unlike Google where it can seem like a mystery how their algorithm really determines page ranks, Airbnb may have clearer parameters. As hosts, we are ultimately the ones in charge of effectively boosting and marketing our listings.

Hosts are often saying that they don’t have time to create and maintain an attractive listing and they just copy whatever other listings are showing. It is important to grab (and retain) the guests’ attention right at the beginning. What you present in your introduction or overview can make or break it.

We’ll also share some advice on how to improve your vacation rental business overall in order to increase bookings without adding to your daily workload. 

Here are some easy and simple Airbnb host tips to take note of right off the bat.

Get in Gear for Cycling Season with Airbnb

Invest time into catchy titles and professional pictures

With many competitors chasing down the same audience, the “look” of your listing needs to stand out.

Tip: when it comes to sites like "airbnb passive income", searchers or potential guests are very visual. They tend to want the overview to be short and sweet.

Your listing title is the first thing your guests read so make it as interestingly curious and creative as possible. Avoid the generics like ‘beautiful’ or ‘great location’ and instead focus on the unique aspects and convenience that your apartment can offer.

Next: show them a stunning cover picture – this should be a given for all. Potential guests get wowed by this from the outset so make sure to show the best angle of your property. 

Write powerful and concise descriptions

Most people overlook the importance of a great Airbnb description. This space gives you the opportunity to impress your guests with words.

Highlight what makes your vacation rental special and convenient. Here’s an example – the city center is normally a top choice for many travelers. But, if yours happens to be a little off-the-beaten-city-path, you can always tell them how close you are to the subway, the bus stop, a huge mall, or the cute neighborhood café. 

Important tip: Guests who choose to stay in Airbnb apartments for their travel usually want a more authentic and ‘local’ experience.

This is also your chance to present all the wonderful amenities you offer and show guests how you can make their stay more comfortable. Wi-Fi is a necessity. Do you stock food in the fridge? What about hairdryers, linens, and towels? Are there toiletries provided? For many, it’s the little things that matter most. 

Show off great reviews from previous guests

Airbnb values great reviews from guests – they always prioritize guest experience. Likewise, displaying positive reviews from your guests creates good perceptions regarding your listings and earns you a certain level of trust. Additionally, guests may be swayed if they find good reviews about aspects that are important to them.

Good reviews are a listing’s lifeline and you can collect these by reaching (or exceeding) guests’ expectations.

Tip: Airbnb guests place a lot of weight on reviews before booking – it gives them some peace of mind about staying at an unknown person’s home.

Take your customer service to the next level

Good customer service definitely receives two thumbs up.

Convenience is part of customer service. It covers easy and fast booking processes, timely responses (ideally within an hour), friendly and accommodating replies (asking people about special requests and dietary restrictions will surely put a smile on your guests’ faces).

One thing to always remember: becoming an Airbnb Superhost starts with excellent customer service.

Get the price right

Price is always part of any filter. Make sure you don’t drop out by being too high or doubtfully low. Do a little research and be competitive compared to similar vacation rentals in your area, and also take note of travel trends and seasonality when adjusting your listing price.

A basic tip: the better your price matches the ‘airbnb passive income for landlords price tips’, the better the ranking. And if ‘Smart Pricing’ is enabled, it’ll provide an additional ranking boost. 

Establish trust

You have to establish trust right at the start.

How do you begin?

By completing your profile – don’t be a stranger and fill in all the necessary information! People need to know who you are, that they can believe your listing, that your property truly exists, and that there is a person on the other side of the listing who is eager to receive them.

Take advantage of free resources

The Internet is full of free and accessible Airbnb host tips that can help transform your business. Reserve an hour or two every week to learn more about the channel through guides, blogs, and even podcasts.  

In the same way, you would dedicate time to learning about any other profession, being in the vacation rental industry also requires a lot of time, effort, and preparation. You can’t expect to maximize your potential if you don’t build up a stable foundation.

Start listing on more OTAs

Even if you feel like Airbnb is more than enough, we suggest listing on several online travel agencies like Vrbo and in order to increase your exposure. Each channel has differences in its audiences so you’ll be able to attract a variety of guests. 

Listing sites are a great place to start but once you become more familiar with the industry, you should also opt for your very own vacation rental website. Having a personalized website gives you the power to control your marketing and improve the online credibility of your rental.

What Is the Telephone Number for Airbnb Customer Service?

The customer service number Airbnb is (585) 743-9778. If you need to contact Airbnb, you can use the Airbnb number, send an email, or message on Twitter.

Use a channel manager

A channel manager is the single best way to boost your Airbnb listings without losing sleep. You’ll be able to automatically sync your calendars, bookings, and rates from different listing sites onto one centralized dashboard. That’s right – you can control everything from a single place and keep your listings consistent across the board. 

There are several key reasons why a channel manager is helpful for vacation rental businesses. When you have to make changes to your rates, they’ll be updated on all the top OTAs. When you receive a booking on one channel, the date will be blocked on the others. This means you don’t risk double-bookings, which are one of the main reasons why hosts receive negative reviews.

Automate your messages with property management software

Last but not least, we recommend investing in property management software in order to automate laborious tasks. 

Property management software allows Airbnb hosts to run their business with ease – whether that’s managing employees and scheduling tasks, generating financial reports, or automating messages. 

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