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Hatena ID

I'm a 13 year old boy who lives somewhere in the world.My life consists of games,anime,and a whole mess of other stuff.I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument,but never had anyone to teach me(except some who don't have time to teach me.)I will have no internet access next week for certain reasons.I have to share(borrow) little brother's DSi to even use hatena.Since no one has the money for me. D: I used to draw a little bit better then I did now but I haven't practiced for a while(I suck at drawing bodies,hands,legs,and get lazy with the eyes. ._.)Yeah there's some other crap about me,but I don't like talking about it.

"Yeah I Suck.I Have no life so HA!Try to make fun of me now. 0.0"-Michael