KaaiRyo Estheim

Perfil de KaaiRyo Estheim

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Hatena ID
KaaiRyo Estheim
Self introduction

Hey, hey, I got a Nintendo 3DS guys. My friend code is: 4339-3182-8776. Watch my flip for more info. :)

My hobbies are very simple. I like to draw on paper and on the DSi, I read manga(all types except romance, and drama), and I'm a videogame freak. I'm also called Canada, since I took a personality quiz of Hetalia:Axis Powers. I play Halo, Naruto, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Zelda, Dance Dance Revolution, Dead or Alive, Soul Calibur, Disgaea, Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, Call of Duty, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Megaman (all series). And many more...XD

My favorite genre of music is J-Metal/Rock, such as Dir en Grey, UnsraW, 9GOATS BLACK OUT,Deathgaze, Suicide Ali, Skull, D'espairsRay, Luzmelt, SCREW, the GazettE, Acid Black Cherry, Dio- Distraught Overlord, -OZ-, THE SOUND BEE, the Fool, cocklobin, L'arc-en-ciel, Sadie, Para:noir, UVERworld, LM.C, Lc5, HYDE, Kiryu, GACKT, AYABIE, ViViD, D=OUT, GUILD, Angelo, Girugamesh, 12012, existtrace, SuG, DELUHI, Alice Nine, Kra, Kagrra. I like VOCALOID as well. My favorites are: Male: Utatane Piko, VY2(Yuuma), Kamui Gakupo. Female: Yuzuki Yukari, Kaai Yuki, Nekomura Iroha. Along with some Lolicore: Bloody Vomit Bukkake, Akamushi, Yuri Yum Yum, Nasty Maid Grinder, odaxelagnia.

And some J-pop, Hey!Say!JUMP, BEST, and 7, Serial Number, Bump of Chicken. And one English band, Black Veil Brides. (Don't like them very much though)
