
Perfil de LeshaBug

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Hatena ID
Self introduction

Im Fourteen(:

Everyone that i love always turn out

too be BACKSTABERS!!!!

I hate fakess:|

I love all my Frends

And Fans!!!

My favorite books are

The imortal series by

Alyson noel

And The twilight saga

By Stephenie meyer1!

Im still 'Looking''

For mister ''Right''


Real name iss Alysha

pernoumced (uhleeshuh)

But i also so have a second name

Its Alexandrea


I go by that most

the time:)

Im a hopeless romantic:)

And hope to seday

Fibd my ''Edward''

Or ''Damen'

No not a ''Vampire''

Or an ''imortal''

Just love that StRoNg!!!

My favorite word is


Meanimg strong,unbrakable,unshakeable,


The reason its my nfavorite word cuzz

its everything that i wish i was

But will never be:/

Um my favoritencolor is black nred

My favorite band is Evanessance!

My favorite singer is ke$ha!!!

My favorite sying is

''These wounds you left will never heal''


My favorite quote isfrom twilight

I have itemorized!!!

''So ThE lIoN fElL iN lOvEwItH tHe LaMb

WhAt A sTuPiD lAmB wHaT aSiCk DeMeStIc LiOn''

I live in ohio

Um yeah(:
