
Profil de Magespirit

ProfilDernière mise à jour:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

im to lazy to do a seris e.o

dang u impatnous!(spell fail)

Self introduction

Well hello all! If you are reading this this i only a temp account for small insadence like me geting temp banned and what not. When im banned ill let you know RIGHT HERE and what type if i feel necesary and why.

Temp banned= Noob wanted to call me gay and got hes smart @ss perm banned by Hatena because of it

eh what the hell. mind as well tell you about myself! im a extremly insane person when you get to know me, and if ya dont, you probly think im on crack WHICH I DONT DO, DRUGZ ARE LAME. Im sorta hyper, which explains why im so crazy but i have my calm momments, mostly when im about to rip your arm off with my teeth, see, when people try to p*ss me off online im not pis.sed, and im pis.sed at the same time it is we.ird. I take things super serious if your not a friend, Sometimes i have my serious friends momment, like when im having a bad day. I could care less if you knew my real name, its Jarod AND IF YOU SAY ITS SPELLED WRONG I WILL LITTERLY MOVE TO WHEREVER YOU LIVE AND BEAT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF YOU. Derp. Im an otaku sooooo yea according to BeatNinja were always first to go during a horror movie or zombie apoclypse (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU)I guess you can call me 'artistic' which ill litterly look at you like your a moron when you say so, i honestly hate how i draw with a burning passion, but i draw ALOT better than i do on this profile, as i said before its temporary and will most likely never be used to post flips unless i find it neccesary. Guess you could say im very judgemental when it comes to my work. Oh! and finnaly NoseBleed. for you non-anime whatchers it means to be s*xually attracted EX: -walks into girl locker room and automaticly flails back with a nosebleed, spouting like a geyser from my nose- .w. Im more of the LA kind of guy, i love to write stories and just have fun with them =w= and my o.c is based on ME foolz. Thats why he has such long hair and pervtastic, and loves to read ect.